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Coconut oil for cats?



Hello! My kitten purrs hard when I open the coconut oil jar and goes crazy for it so I give her a (tiny) lick. I feel like it’s good for them but in seriously small doses. Is this love for coconut oil common and is it ok in small doses and if so, what’s it good for? I was combatting her gum issue with a tiny smear daily (healed!).
No and no. It's really not good for them (or dogs for that matter). MCTs are fine, but they're not really necessary. As you discovered, coconut oil can work well topically, it is an excellent antibiotic, and that's what I use it for. But the high lauric acid content is not good, and can lead to hepatic lipidosis in cats. Here's a summary of more recent research. (I just published a longer article on it in Dogs Naturally but I don't think you can get it online yet.) The same principles apply to cats. Your kitten may be craving more fat, but this isn't a good source.
Dr Jean, I brush my kitties teeth with organic extra virgin coconut oil unrefined in the tub. I put a little on their brushes and they let me brush their teeth. Is this ok?

I have noticed that both 5 yr old kitties are not getting any fish oil and Teddy who is domestic short hair with seizure issues has a lot of dry skin. Can you recommend a good human grade fish oil?

Any recommendations from Dr Jeff or Dr Christina are most welcomed. There are a lot of little white flakes, he had this about 2 yrs ago and I had him tested for a skin scrape, his Dr said dry skin? It’s come back again? thank you!
what is Teddy's diet?
usually a fresh food diet eliminates dry skin.
Often no need for a skin scraping unless there is a lot of itching.

I think the small amount of coconut oil for teeth brushing is ok for most cats.

Hi Doctors - Should I be concerned if my Dog's Rx is is suspended in Coconut Oil ? Baby Girl was prescribed Omeprazole (Prilosec generic) 8mg/ml Susp 30ml to hopefully reduce the liquid on her brain that Neurologist said was causing seizures. Thanks
Baby Girl is getting .5 ml / day of the Omeprazole 8mg/ml Susp 30ml
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