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Chronic ear infection


Jan 17, 2024
Name: Pablo

Age: 2years

Sex: Male

Neutering status: Entire

Breed: Lab

Weight:37 Kg


Very friendly, loving, scaredy-cat, nervous, has to sit next to someone during fireworks. Hates to be alone. Loves to ride in the car. Can get over boisterous when playing with other dogs. Overly excited when people come to visit. Doesn’t bark much. Very social. Obedient. Doesn’t hump people or furniture.

Is physically separated from the other 2 older dogs in the house. One of the dogs was bullying Pablo.

Energy: Over excited when meeting new people or playing with other dogs.

Appetite: Gets fed at 3:30 but will start pestering everyone around 2. Will wait by the window. Eats fast. Appetite is good. Drinks less water. Ravenous.

Mood: Happy

Diet: Been off or Kibble for awhile. Slightly cooked mince-beef, chicken necks, rice, pumpkin, carrots. Loves uncooked green beans

Vaccination history: Has been vaccinated yearly.

Exposure to toxins: Thinks might be something in the garden.

Current medications: Has finished many cycles of antibiotics and steroids. New Gard. Piriton (Chlorphenamine) as needed.

Primary problem:

Chronic ear infection:

Has had it on/off since he was 5/6 months old. Will scratch ears until bloody. Very red and itchy.

Constantly licks paws, itchy chin as well.

Priapism; wet dreams becoming more frequent. He will be asleep and suddenly start ejaculation with an engorged penis. Then he can’t move and sits licking himself and all the liquid. If the pet parents are around they apply something cold on the sheath and it helps a little bit to reduce the duration. When he gets excited his penis does come out.

From a litter of 10. One sibling has eczema.

Right ear worse

Worse at night…Sleeps on bed

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Sara
Welcome, Dr. Tamara. For the community, Dr. Tamara is a holistic veterinarian in the San Diego area. I am assuming this is a client's animal.

Maybe you can post what holistic treatments have been done.

Looking at the levels of illness is important. When a problem can stay on the outside (ears, paws, chin) we are very happy. Pablo is a great example of what can happen when treatments attempt to treat merely one symptom (the skin issues). One result could have been no more skin problems, yet increasing behavior problems. That would be suppression. Pablo still has the skin problems, maybe only temporarily helped by the drugs, yet we can see that the underlying energy imbalance is worsening (the increase in the priapism) which would be be palliation.

Thankfully, Pablo can now be treated with holistic approaches.

There are many approaches. The best is very good homeopathy or Chinese medicine (TCVM).

A few areas to explore and there are more):
1. Diet - More variety, big chunks to help the teeth. May need cleaner ingredients.
2. Yard - explore the possible toxins and eliminate
3. For deeper understanding and topical soothing - refer to the ear article and the skin article. Many of the soothing suggestions for the skin can also be used in the ears.
4. For family sanity, explore flower essences, Ttouch, the many energy healing approaches and more for the behavioral issues with all 3 dogs and be sure Pablo is getting a lot of mental and physical exercise, especially a lot of sniffing. (these will also directly help the skin as well.

Dr. Christina

Dr. Christina
Hi Dr. Tanara!

Is Pablo one of your patients in Nairobi?

If so, perhaps see if the guardians can read through the free HA! 101 course as a great start for working though, the ear and other health challenges.

I wonder if the first ear problem was associated with one of the puppy vaccinations?

Are there any trained vet homeopaths or TCVM vets in Kenya? If there aren't would Pablo's parents consider adding a virtual vet homeopath to their vet care team?
Hi Dr. Tanara!

Is Pablo one of your patients in Nairobi?

If so, perhaps see if the guardians can read through the free HA! 101 course as a great start for working though, the ear and other health challenges.

I wonder if the first ear problem was associated with one of the puppy vaccinations?

Are there any trained vet homeopaths or TCVM vets in Kenya? If there aren't would Pablo's parents consider adding a virtual vet homeopath to their vet care team?
Hi Dr. Tanara!

Is Pablo one of your patients in Nairobi?

If so, perhaps see if the guardians can read through the free HA! 101 course as a great start for working though, the ear and other health challenges.

I wonder if the first ear problem was associated with one of the puppy vaccinations?

Are there any trained vet homeopaths or TCVM vets in Kenya? If there aren't would Pablo's parents consider adding a virtual vet homeopath to their vet care team?

Hi. Dr. Jeff,

Yes this is a client’s dog, here in Nairobi.

There are no TCVM practitioners here I am afraid.

I am the the closest to a homeopathic vet here as well.

Another issue is the cost and the unavailability of vitamins and supplements here.

I will read through past posts for ideas.

I will ask about virtual consultations.

Thanks so much for your responses.
You're welcome.

Perhaps you can connect with the Ugandan outpost of Homeopaths Without Borders. They are focused on human homeopathy, but the same framework works for animals (all living beings).

Also, a nurse homeopath friend of mine is coming to work and teach in Tanzania for all of Feb. and into March. Maybe it would be helpful to contact her:

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