Without citing specific references to Anthony William's warnings regarding the intentional, frequent, regular consumption of these types of "green foods" to naturally & economically detox heavy metals, what stuck in my mind is his observation that the detox/chelation action in humans is incomplete & unpredictable & can result in "new" health problems/symptoms, which I believe involved stress on the liver when the body tries to eliminate the more potent consolidated/stored vs. scattered about quantities of the accumulated heavy metals. Probably like a lot of us, I started intentionally including cilantro in my dog's meals having heard from many different sources about its positive effect on elimination of heavy metals, I stopped once I heard Anthony Williams warnings, I didn't want to take any chances, mainly because it's hard for us humans to sense day-to-day what is going on in our pets bodies. I know that chelation is a very specific, complex process, especially when mercury is involved & these days it is presumed that every living being carries an excess load. I remember I would feel "different" eating straight cilantro to detox & I have specific sensitivity/allergy to mercury. I think the intention that we have with our actions is more impactful than we imagine, back then I didn't check in or routinely use applied kinesiology to check optimum supplements for 6 dogs, everyone ate the same food & got the same supplements for the most part. Today if I wanted to detox animals I would use BioPrep/Bio Superfood micro algae or if I offered cilantro I would definitely ask myself each & every meal if it would be beneficial, which is essentially how I approach EVERYTHING I now give by mouth. I also try to remember to do additional investigation before jumping on a popular health recommendation, especially in its infancy, however, sometimes it takes time for updated info to come out AND that type of update/caveat is often not made available in a readily accessible, mass-media manner.