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Heavy Metal Detox


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
My vet is recommending the following product to detox my dog from aluminum. Her aluminum was elevated on a hair mineral analysis which I am sort of wondering about because I believe they used aluminum scissors to collect the sample which can affect results. Anyway, I thought I would proceed with the detox. However, I see that it contains bentonite clay which often contains aluminum and other heavy metals (sigh). Supposedly the aluminum in it is bound to Silica so should not leach but I am wondering. Has anyone used this product or have some thoughts about it?

Detox/Liver Cleanse™

The following product looks safer to me and is tested for heavy metals.

Solutions Pet Products | Heavy Metal - 4oz

Her aluminum was elevated on a hair mineral analysis
Which hair analysis did she use? I;ve seen widely varying results (even from the same lab!).

Has anyone used this product
I have not used either product tho have used the Sustenance Lyme support product.

I typically just use my own HPS (Holistic Pet Support) Fiber Detox.

Also, Anthony William's Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie is great:

Which hair analysis did she use? I;ve seen widely varying results (even from the same lab!).

I have not used either product tho have used the Sustenance Lyme support product.

I typically just use my own HPS (Holistic Pet Support) Fiber Detox.

Also, Anthony William's Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie is great:

Thanks so much for the info.

She used Analytical Research Labs. I have seen so much confusing information regarding all aspects of hair mineral analysis. For example, some say hair should be washed at least a few days before, some labs wash the hair, some don't wash the hair, some say to not collect it on the dogs belly area because they lay down and get that full of whatever. My dogs are small and their bellies drag over the grass! Some specifically say to collect from the back of the neck. The scissors must also be clean and stainless steel. I use essential oils for flea prevention so I know for sure that was on the hair. So far I am not a believer in hair mineral analysis. But what is scariest is that practitioners may make radical changes to diet based largely upon it. In the old days, vets actually looked at dogs...now they look at test results!

Yes! VDI is great!!

There is an archived webinar (a few years ago) in the HA! member area from the founder of VDI. It has lots of great info about their unique tests (they were not doing hair analysis back then).
Yes! VDI is great!!

There is an archived webinar (a few years ago) in the HA! member area from the founder of VDI. It has lots of great info about their unique tests (they were not doing hair analysis back then).
Thank you Dr. Jeff. I will check it out. They have a wide variety of tests instead of so much focus on just the hair mineral analysis. I like this approach. Sounds safer to me. I never like putting all my eggs in one basket!

Which hair analysis did she use? I;ve seen widely varying results (even from the same lab!).

I have not used either product tho have used the Sustenance Lyme support product.

I typically just use my own HPS (Holistic Pet Support) Fiber Detox.

Also, Anthony William's Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie is great:

Can the heavy metal detox smoothie be given to cats ?
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