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Cats sick or detox symptoms?


VIP Member
Apr 21, 2021
I feel this is an important question to ask, because i feel i go in a little panic now.
I don't know if it's a little detox symptoms (I have 1 day given them some cat drops
cleansing for cats.
I have for 4 months ago given them these drops as well, where there was no reaction(I am in dialog with the health coach about this and follow her advice with drops)
I don't know if it's because of the drops I gave them on February 2 or if my boy cat got infected after going to the vet.

I went to the vet on Wednesday (the 31st) for a health check with my boy cat. Before I had to put my cat on the table at the vet, the vet had not wiped the table after a dog that had been in there before us. The vet did a quick check of his ears, weighed him, listened to his heart, took a quick look at his fur and said everything looked fine.
I had the feeling that things were moving confusingly fast when i was visit the vet.

Two days (February 2) later I started the drops, and the next day my boy cat got thin poop. The day after that (February 3), he wouldn't eat anything, and the same day, my girl cat threw up and wouldn't eat anything after that either.
Today (the 4th) my boy cat has had some thin poop again and he still won't eat anything and neither will my girl cat.
They both seemed very tired. Today they still haven't eaten anything.

Could it be that after the vet visit my boy cat has been infected with something?

Or could it be because of the drops I started them on February 2?
I gave them both 3 drops. I stopped giving the drops after that day as my cat got a stomach upset the next day.
My cats are 11 and 12 years old.
My money's on the drops. What, exactly, were you aiming to fix in them? Were they sick? Had symptoms? In any case, I think just stopping the drops and waiting for a couple of days should fix the problem, whether from the drops or the vet's table.
You might try some very favorite food, in a small quantity, to see if they might want it. And do keep us updated if there are any other unusual symptoms or upsets.
Ginny is probably on the money, or it is something unrelated.
1. Your cat would very very NOT get anything from a dog being on a table (or even a cat) before her. Stress could cause problems, but your other cat was ill, too...so....

2. In general we recommend not giving ongoing treatments of anything unless there is a need. Even though you are working with an expert, you live with your kitties, so know more than anyone. Review the HMDM procedure, even for anything recommended here.
Step 1 - set a GOAL (what needs fixing? Are there indications of internal imbalance to be corrected?
Step 2 - RESEARCH Most important is to make a timeline for each cat of every symptom and treatment given. The member benefit of my book, The Health Cat Journal, can help in this. Add research from your healer, HA! and other sources.
Step 3 - review all the information gathered, pause, meditate, use your intuition, ask the cats. Then create an ACTION PLAN. Record what steps you take. One step may be to wait and carefully track the BEAM. If it is oK, or improving, you are ok. Then evaluate any changes for cure, palliation or suppression.
Then repeat the process as frequently as needed.

For now, since the veterinarian gave a clean bill of health to the one cat -
  1. Of course, stop the drops immediately.
  2. Feed their favorite food - even if it is ice cream, or bagels and cream cheese, etc.
  3. Offer any energy healing you are trained in. Listen to the many webinars on those topics at HA! and AllPawsPetTalk.TV on energy/mental state - Look for these talks & more by Bernie Siegel, Anitra Frazier, Gail Pope, Dr. Farthing, Grandma Nancy, Dr. Wagner,
    A lovely meditation with photos, Nick Thompson,
    Dr. Samet, Dr. Saine, Dr. Palmquist, Patrick McKeown, Paola Brown, Dr Knuven, Dr. Herman, Dr. Schneider, Gail Pope, Dr. Fior, Kate Solisti, Dr. Pitcairn , Dr. Feinman, Dr. Seelye (now deceased), Tami Tomlinson, Dr. Susan Wagner,. AND more!
  4. Keep your thoughts positive and visualize positive outcomes. If they eat even a fingerful a day for a few days, they will be OK.
  5. Try rubbing some vibrational (flower) essences on the fur, or feet (do not force anything to either cat by mouth or in food - rescue remedy, stress stopper, ones for appetite, etc. do a search on the forum for these and go to "flower essences" - Holistic Actions! on the main site.
got thin poop. The day after that (February 3), he wouldn't eat anything, and the same day, my girl cat threw up and wouldn't eat anything after that either.
Today (the 4th) my boy cat has had some thin poop again and he still won't eat anything and neither will my girl cat.
They both seemed very tired. Today they still haven't eaten anything.

As Ginny said, do keep us updated.
Dr. Christina
Hi, we just woke up.
My boy cat drank some water yesterday and ate a tiny bit of his food. Shortly afterwards he had thin stools.

I tried to get my girl cat to eat something, but she wouldn't.

Last night she slept with me as she usually does. When we woke up, she seemed normal as usual, a little tired. But she contacted me and purred a bit. I have just gotten out of bed now and she has stayed lying down. She often does that too.

My boy cat got up with me as he usually does, and he went out and drank some water. And then he did go out and peed.

I'm going to try and give them some tuna with water today.

I'll write later how it goes. And I will try to relax with them and not stress them further with my worries.
Wonderful that there is slight improvement. thanks for letting us know. Focus your thoughts on this - improvement is happening.

Tuna is good. Try many other things, too. Especially whatever you have recorded over the years that each likes. maybe once an hour (or whenever you can) offer 1/4teaspoon of something. If no interest, do not leave it near them.

maybe pick up a can of A/D from the vet. Though processed, holistic vets do recommend it since many cats will eat it when not eating anything else.

keep sending love and any energy work you know.

maybe contact a communicator.
Dr. Chambreau
Hey Bettina!

Perhaps take 3-5 cohesive (a 5 count in, hold it for 5, 5 count out, hold it for 5 then repeat the cycle), conscious breaths which will help ward off any feelings of panic by shifting your sympathetic fight/fright/freeze to the parasympathetic rest/ relax and restore).

The HawaiiPharm Body Cleanse supplement you're using is great. However, since a reaction to it is a possibility, you may want to stop it as Dr. Christina advised.

How young are your kitties? Is there any food they've loved in the past?

Perhaps also try some freeze-dried chicken hearts (and there are many other suggestions on the forum and member area).

IMHO, the most important thing to focus on is happiness (yours as well as the kitties), purring, petting and playing.

These free and fun actions increase Chi by increasing C.H.E (Connection, Happiness, Engagement).
Hey Bettina!

Perhaps take 3-5 cohesive (a 5 count in, hold it for 5, 5 count out, hold it for 5 then repeat the cycle), conscious breaths which will help ward off any feelings of panic by shifting your sympathetic fight/fright/freeze to the parasympathetic rest/ relax and restore).

The HawaiiPharm Body Cleanse supplement you're using is great. However, since a reaction to it is a possibility, you may want to stop it as Dr. Christina advised.

How young are your kitties? Is there any food they've loved in the past?

Perhaps also try some freeze-dried chicken hearts (and there are many other suggestions on the forum and member area).

IMHO, the most important thing to focus on is happiness (yours as well as the kitties), purring, petting and playing.

These free and fun actions increase Chi by increasing C.H.E (Connection, Happiness, Engagement).

Hi Jeff. Thanks for you message also, really helpfull for me, to remember the breaths.
My cats are 11 and 12 years.
I give them raw meat ( have do that for maybe 5 years now). The really like chicken, but only my boy cat there did eat a little of it.
I will try tomorrow to buy some canned wet food with chicken/tuna, to try that.
You're welcome Betina!
New update.. My boy still have thin poop, its yellow that there are coming out.
He have eat a little of the raw meat chicken i gave.
But i don't know about my girl cat, because she did go to bed with me, and i sleep. But when i wake up, i could see there was a normally poop in the litter box. Maybe its from her.

They both sleep again. Should i take its easy, just let the sleep still?
Or try to get them up, so they can get movede and get something to eat/drink?
My boy cat have just been out at litter box, and still totally water poop, its yellow.
What can i give my boy cat now? I only have the raw meat of food to give him.
Hi again. I was asking the vet about the situation. She recommened me to start give this , so i have buy that now :

ZooLac Multipate contains:
Composition (weight):

Fat (vegetable) 78%.
Dextrose 14
Vinasse 8% (substrate of cells from lactic acid fermentation)
Lecithin 2% (substrate of cells from lactic acid fermentation)
Yeast cell fragments 1.4
Feed additives 3%*.

Stabilizer (E551b)
Clinoptilolite binder (1g568)
Analytical constituents (weight):

Crude fat 78%
Crude ash 3.4
Fiber 2% Water
Water 1.9% Crude protein
Crude protein 0.7% Crude protein
I have it at home now, but i have not started to give it yet. Want to make sure its good to give.
The vet also recommend me to cook chicken and rice to give. What do you think?
Thanks for your answers.
just let the sleep still?
What can i give my boy cat now?
Maybe nothing...

How's his BEAM? Is he eating?
The vet also recommend me to cook chicken and rice to give. What do you think?
That's a very good idea (vs. the highly processed ZooLac Multipate).

Perhaps use small amounts of a boiled chicken/mushy rice porridge.

And don't forget to breathe. He'll be fine..

BTW-Here's a great product to use whenever there's a gut disturbance:


Maybe nothing...

How's his BEAM? Is he eating?

That's a very good idea (vs. the highly processed ZooLac Multipate).

Perhaps use small amounts of a boiled chicken/mushy rice porridge.

And don't forget to breathe. He'll be fine..

BTW-Here's a great product to use whenever there's a gut disturbance:

@Dr. Jeff that looks pretty cool! Thank goodness Bella's vomiting (my kidney cat you know about) has dissipated currently for a while, but this looks like a great product I could have on hand. How long is the shelf life and I assume refrigerate it?
Yes, it's good stuff!

I don't know about the shelf life, but Adored Beast has super customer service. Perhaps just give them a call.
New update.
Last night when I was sleeping, both my cats were up in bed with me (as they usually do) and suddenly it sounded like water was turned on in my bed. It was my boy cat who had an acute thin stomach, he was scared because he was asleep before.

We got up late and I offered boiled chicken with a little rice in it. He wouldn't touch it. I had also put their normal food, raw meat.
He ate a bit of that and drank some water a couple of times.

My girl cat finally got out of bed on her own, and for the first time came out and ate a little too. She has both eaten some of the raw meat and cooked chicken.

It's almost 9 hours since we got up, and my boy cat has not had thin stools. I hope and pray that they are both over it now.

Thank you so much for your replies, and especially thank you Jeff. Your words have really meant a lot for me to remember. (So I can try to listen to myself better and not panic)
You're welcome Bettina!
You're welcome Bettina!

I was wondering what would be good to have in the house, of course I hope nothing acute happens, but if they get a little bad again, for example with an upset stomach.

So I'm not left without the knowledge or tools to know what to do.

What can you recommend? Are there any products you can recommend from Pets
My main recommendation for emergency situations would be learning to use the 4 Awe-some A homeopathic medicines.

When used for indications like fevers, coughs, vomiting, diarrhea, bug bites, injuries, etc. they are exceptionally safe (safer than any supplement), effective (and they're super inexpensive):

IMAGE SHORT 4 As for emergencies.jpg

You can learn much more about using them in other HA! forum threads and resources.

@aruna I'd appreciate if you add a link to the HMDM using the 4 As handout to this thread.
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