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Cat UTI and kidney problems -peeing outside box

You might want to give more fluids. That is the #1 most important thing you can do for both kidneys and bladder. How much does she weigh? If at least 7 pounds I would give 100 ml daily; if less, perhaps 75 ml twice a day.
Dear Dr. Jean, thank you for the recommendation about increasing the fluids. Misty is about 8.5 - 9 pounds. I can definitely look at increasing. Many thanks, Barbara
Are you familiar with the product
Sure! It's fine as well and uses one of the same ingredients as Aventi.

And as Dr. Jean said, fluids are essential.
I am seconding Dr. Jeff's suggestion to be working with a veterinary homeopath! And lots of love.
So glad she is bouncing back.
Dr. Christina
Dear @Dr. Jeff and @Dr. Jean Hofve
Thank you for your help. I am wondering if you have ideas to help with constipation / relieving bowels for Misty? Currently she hasn't pooped for a number of days. She is eating very little even with fluids, appetite stimulator and I am giving her the phosphorous binder by syringe with chicken broth. All that said, she is loving, purring, following us around the apartment when she's awake and she somehow manages to pull herself up on my bed when I'm not around to help her. I am watching her closely for signs she feels distress and doing my best to make sure she isn't stressed and is as comfortable as possible. Many thanks, Barbara
she hasn't pooped for a number of days. She is eating very little
No food in, no poop out...

It's super important to feed anything she loves right now. Have you tried sardines or lightly scrambled eggs with parmesan cheese?

Also, for gut soothing, this is great and most kitties like it:

If she is truly constipated, that is, straining in the box without producing, feeling uncomfortable, touchy about the belly, then a dose of Vaseline is the quickest way to move the stool out.

But as Dr. Jeff pointed out, this may be just the "not much in, not much out" syndrome happening here. Getting her to eat is primary.

Fluids are important for both the "in" and the "out" phase!
Dear @Dr. Jeff and @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Christina

Thank you for all of your help and support. I wanted to let you know that Misty passed over the weekend. She gave me signs overnight and when I woke early in the morning on Saturday and I knew it would be the best and most compassionate thing to do for her. As you probably can imagine I am heartbroken. Thank you all again. xx
Thank you for letting us know Barbara.

And I'm so sorry for your loss of Misty. 😥

I know tho that she will always be with you and is happily purring and playing right now.🌈😻
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