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Cancer and Supplements



Hello, my Siberian Husky has liver cancer (I have spoken with Dr. Feinman) and I was wondering if there are supplements I could give him other than prescribed. The ones in particular I am interested in after doing some research on my own are turmeric, cbd oil and vitamin C. I have read studies that show these items can fight cancer and increase vitality in both humans and animals. Would these be favorable to give to my dog? Any help is appreciated!
Hi Crystal-

Theoretically these are fine to use, but would not necessarily be indicated for Hudson.

Unlike homeopathy, supplements are not usually individualized so may not be right for every pup. And <em>can</em> make dis-eases worse.

That's one of the biggest learning goals for everyone at HA! That is to learn the (big) difference between the two (individualization vs. supplementation).

However, for the majority of animal guardians who don't realize the difference, there are literally hundreds of well-documented supplements for "cancer". However many (or all) of these are not indicated for patients whose chronic internal imbalance manifests as cancer.

It's a subtle, but very important, distinction. That is <strong>cancer patients vs. patients with cancer.</strong>

Because of this subtlety, please confirm that this makes sense. Once you see the difference you will understand much more of the power of homeopathy and the body.

That all being said,it's absolutely fine to evaluate Hudson's response (though closely monitor his BEAM or other symptoms) to food-based supplements like turmeric.

The <strong>wild blueberry + chopped organic kale blend</strong> is something else to consider for him.

Be well.

Dr. Jeff

PS-Non-food supplements can not increase vitality. They can however lower it.

Stick with Healing Foods (as per AW) and homeopathic individualization.
Dr Feinman, when you refer to a non-food supplement, do you mean drug?


Hey Becca-

Drugs (potentially harmful), yes.

Artificially-derived supplements (which generally support the body without doing harm), also yes.

Food-derived supplements like glandulars, Cornucopia, Standard Process, etc. no (not usually that is based on dose and susceptibility).

Dr. Jeff
Also, is everyone in this thread OK if I share it in our Facebook Group? For reading only (only members can post).

If not, and you'd rather not leave a message here, just email me privately at [email protected]

Dr. Jeff
Thanks Dr Feinman, got it!

Okay with me to post, I very much appreciate your asking.

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