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Bug eating


Community Member
Oct 15, 2017
Not sure if this is where I should post my query, but since it involves what my kitty eats, I guess this is the right place. I live in Mexico with all my kitties (16) and doggies (4) all rescues, of course! The newest addition to my furry family is a little kitty 4 months old. Her name is Milagro. How I acquired her and gave her this name is another story.

Even living in Paradise there are flies, and big butt ugly cockroaches the size of Manhatten and the beggers fly! Little Milagro loves catching and eating cockroaches whenever she can. My question is should I be concerned about her doing this? I really do not want to treat her with parasite medicine every time she eats one of these ugly creatures. Is bug eating considered pica?
I love this question Bonnie! Thanks for asking.

My answer is that the bug eating is very safe (and normal).

Bugs are part of the natural cats' diet:

No, it's not pica IMHO. But let's see what @Dr. Jean @Dr. Christina or @Dr. Sara
I'm going to butt in and say that bugs are great nutrition, not to mention roughage. Lots of humans eat bugs as well, after all.
Thanks Ginny, trust me, I am not one of the humans who eat bugs or ever will!!!
It's perfectly safe and normal for animals to eat insects / arachnids, as long as the insects haven't been treated with pesticides, aren't toxic insects, and are not one of the rare insects that are an intermediate parasite host. (Spirocerca lupi is a tropical parasite transmitted when dogs eat an infected beetle.) Dogs may try to eat stinging caterpillars like saddlebacks, as well as biting fire ants and black widow and brown recluse spiders. Do prevent animals from eating dangerous critters, as well as poisoned insects. Nice healthy roaches, cicadas, or flies - let them munch away!
Dr. Sara
Thanks Dr Sara, but a big yuk to roach eating, maybe the cats and dogs find these tasty, but NOT ME. I do not spray insecticide on my property, so no harm there. I have not seen fire ants for a long time or brown recluse, although I don't think the brown recluse is here in Mexico. I do have the odd black scorpion, that although gives a nasty sting (first-hand experience) is not deadly.
I have no doubt of this, Dr. Jean, I guess it is my own aversion to bugs that colours my thinking! I will let the kitties decide what they want to eat, raw, cooked or otherwise Suffice to say, my bug phobia does have an impact here.
Oh I understand... bugs are icky! But bugs are a completely natural part of the feline diet. Not that I would eat *most* of what cats like, truth be told! Maybe we can just ask our kitties to enjoy their prizes out of our sight!
Several of my Maryland clients trained their dogs to eat the invasion of the stink bugs. they would stand on hind legs to get at them.
Cleared out the house!

some pet foods are/will be made with insects. I saw insect flour at the health food store but have not tried it for myself yet.
Dr. Christina
Thanks Dr. Christina, but never in a thousand years would I eat anything from bugs!! All of the vets at Holistic Actions say bug eating for cats and dogs is good. So be it! They can eat bugs to their hearts' content. As for me, a big NOPE
How wonderful that there are so many choices for everyone's benefit!
Dr. Christina
Indeed yes, Dr. Christina. BTW I enjoyed your talk as well as the talks given by Dr jeff and Dr. Jean at the Pet Anxiety Summit
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