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Blossom more negative responses to aconite

also, you may want to watch the Feb 13 webinar with Gina Bria of the hydration foundation. She said that eating/feeding foods high in water was even better than trying to drink water, even structured water.

Dr. Christina
The vet said she was not clinically dehydrated during the blood draw.She does seem though to have more energy in the afternoon after I give her goats milk and other fluids. I did the skin turgor test and it was ok. Her gums seem moist too. The repro vet was more concerned about her clinical behaviour than her blood work. She might get a waiver on her spay. I suppose I will repeat the blood work soon. Local vets have an ultrasound machine they use for fast scans etc... but they say they are not sonographers. So I would have to take her to a hospital to get an ultrasound. Nearest hospital that I would take her to is 50 min away. She has a long way to go with her car riding goals before I get to imaging. I did not give her aconite for 5 days but talk to Dr. Judy on tuesday. I told her I was equally concerned about her tiredness. When I give the aconite I have to remember to tell her that she sometimes startles more easily, or looks behind her, thinking something is there. I also want to ask about vaccinosis and if she needs to be treated for that specifically. I should say that she has improved with her lunging at cars now in the past week. I put my hand on her head and she is fine. Even when I don't do that though now, she is still pretty good 98 percent of the time. So she HAS learned some good behavior.
Lil, I would not worry about hydration. the goats milk seems good for her. She is better with behavior. this is a great example of the importance of calmly waiting and watching. Trends are more important than hour to hour or day to day changes.
Dr. Christina
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