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Bird people! I have a dead bird in my house


Apr 24, 2022
Hi, this is a bit off topic but a little bird flew into my house and my dog killed it. I was wondering if I should put it outside where the other birds could find him or her. I'm assuming they need closure and maybe worried since birds are such social animals. Or is that unnecessary?
Yes, I'd put it outside where it can be found and also becomes food for the earth.
Thank you! I never knew how intelligent and social birds were till one let me pick him up and carry him around the park so I figured he was sick. We took him to an avian doctor who said he was absolutely fine just that they get attached to people! So we brought him back to the same spot. It took awhile, we had to walk away, but he flew away! So strange. Love birds need a partner I think. Also had a myna bird come have breakfast with me every morning on my trip to Maui. I know animals mourn the loss of others so I just wanted to make sure. I hope the little guy is found. I live right at the edge of the woods where I put him.
Yes, thanks for feeding the crows or other scavengers... that's what I do with the rodents that my kitty, Perry Christmas, brings in.

At this time of year, it's good to remember that if you find a dead bird, cause unknown (unlike your bird, you know what happened!), you may want to call Animal Control to pick it up. It's West Nile Virus season and they want to know where it's affecting birds.
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