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- Jan 31, 2023
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@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Sara
my apologies for the long post/lengthy details.
Anarcardium 30C 2x daily for 2 weeks. we saw she opened up more to people greeting them in the park but not major changes in her mood and activity levels.
my questions:
1- is the protocol I put in place for heart issue is good and is it sufficient to reverse or stop heart disease progression? do I need to do anything differently?
2- is adding digestive enzymes on daily basis going to cause any issues in the long run? it seems that its helping with her reflux issue so is it ok to continue without having any break in between?
3- since I suspect minor joint pain or mild depression, do you recommend adding SAMe 200 mg to support joints, mood and liver? if yes would you pls let me know the dosage and duration pls.
4- could you pls advise whether do you suspect any issues with her Thyroid (hypo) by reviewing the blood tests from 2021 and 2022. unfortunately as part of the blood test they only do Total T4 as they don't do thyroid full panel In Dubai. I might be able to run for total T3 but free T3 and T4 and TSH are not available.
5- do you advise if I need to do Cortisol and progesterone tests as well? obviously I don't want to spend unnecessary money but if it is required to have a clear picture as why might be causing low energy and mood then I will arrange to do it.
6- one of the ingredients in the gut Guard is licorice extract Gut Guard - For Dogs With Irritated Guts, is this safe for Bella given her heart condition? is it safe with Ubiqounal or hawthorn berry?
7- pls advise if I need to run any other tests, give any other supplement or avoid giving anything that can be harmful.
thank you so much
You can download the picture or document for future reference.

my apologies for the long post/lengthy details.
- Bella
- 4 years and 2 months old
- Female
- early spayed at 6 months age
- mix breed Rescue
- 18.7 kg
- BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) As a poppy Bella was rather normally active and happy pupp, as she grows older we have noticed that her activity level has decreased. She seems rather quiet, and We think that Bella might have some mild depression (not sure though), she might also some self-confidence issues, she is a very smart dog and very sensitive. When correcting Daisy her canine older sister she seems to take it personal as she starts to think she has done something wrong. In another word she takes everything very personal. Her ears drops back and her body posture changes and comes and asks for forgiveness for something that its not even her issue. She is very good with people at the dog park but we have noticed that she doesn’t like very busy and active dogs and gets easily agitated and growls to keep the dog away (NOT aggressive though) She seems to be edgy. She plays mainly with Daisy at the dog park and mainly ignores other dogs unless they come to her and most of the times she pushes them away (most of the times but there are couple of other dogs that she likes). She is more into sniffing around and scavenging. she also gets board easily hence needs to be exposed to new places, smells, people, dogs etc. better with people than dogs. during the day she loves to rest, goes to the garden baks at the passing by crowds, in the evening after dinner she becomes more active and playful. demands to go for long walks. pretty good with her canine older sister and feline brother but submissive to her sister. Sometimes we see some jealousy when we give attention to Daisy and Benji (feline). when she gets excited she turn back to bite her tail (she doesn't bit it but the action of turning back and going for the tail is there).
- she is raw fed from 12 months of age
- Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication (files attached) no exposure to vaccines, flea and tick since 2019.
- Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - occaisonal acid reflux, low energy in general when compared with her older sister, gets worse in summer, I suspect mild depression and low confidence as well as she is submissive to people and her sister. She does lick her self specially legs, Its either due to feeling uncomfortable because of reflux or maybe she has mild joint pain. not skin related, she has soft and healthy coat with no bad smell, she actually smells clean and fresh even after 4 months of not being washed. she had couple of cysts last summer on the skin which bursts and loads of gunky liquid came out but nothing since.
- Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? we have pretty hot and humid summer in Dubai so she becomes less energetic during summer. also less active during the day and more active in the evenings. doesn't do well with high fat.
- Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) blood test last year (file attached, also attached blood test from 2021 for comparison purposes) parasite test (attached), then did a cardiac ultra sound last November and the vet said she is stage B1 but said no meds are required and no action plans are needed (sigh)
- Current and previous treatment. we don't have any holistic vets in Dubai, so I have to make sure I am doing loads of research and educating myself so I immediately put her on ubiquinol 200mg twice a day (one in the morning and one in the evening with food) and hawthorn berry glycerite twice a day (one in the morning and one in the evening with food). for her acid reflux back in November last year I fasted her for a day then bland diet for 10 days, adding Dr. Mercola digestive enzyme with each food. after 10 days went back to feeding her gently cooked low fat raw (seared in a bit of water for less than a minute), on 20th jan 2023 I switched to low fat raw (less than 9%) again but made sure that the food is served room temperature continuing adding digestive enzymes also since 26th jan 2023 she is on gut guard from 4 leaf rover twice a day and planning to continue for a month or two. she seems to be doing way better compare to November last year and the episodes are less frequent. I monitor it and as soon as I feel like she is going to have an episode I offer either raw honey, piece of banana, camomile tea or marshmallow tea etc. worth to mention that she is a very smart girl and she keeps her head elevated which helps her with her issue (pic attached). as for joints health, she is getting fresh sardines couple of times a week, green eggs from four leave rover once or twice a week, bone broth couple of times a week. she also gets variety of probiotics in rotation from adored beast love bugs, Protect from four leave rover, homemade fermented veggies, raw goat milk kefir, coconut kefir, ION Biome in addition to medicinal mushrooms from real mushrooms and glandular from Dr. Mercola. please note that I try to keep supplements at minimum and not put many together in the bowl specially after the acid reflux issue. so she gets everything in rotation and not constantly.
- Other health concerns - not that I know of
Anarcardium 30C 2x daily for 2 weeks. we saw she opened up more to people greeting them in the park but not major changes in her mood and activity levels.
my questions:
1- is the protocol I put in place for heart issue is good and is it sufficient to reverse or stop heart disease progression? do I need to do anything differently?
2- is adding digestive enzymes on daily basis going to cause any issues in the long run? it seems that its helping with her reflux issue so is it ok to continue without having any break in between?
3- since I suspect minor joint pain or mild depression, do you recommend adding SAMe 200 mg to support joints, mood and liver? if yes would you pls let me know the dosage and duration pls.
4- could you pls advise whether do you suspect any issues with her Thyroid (hypo) by reviewing the blood tests from 2021 and 2022. unfortunately as part of the blood test they only do Total T4 as they don't do thyroid full panel In Dubai. I might be able to run for total T3 but free T3 and T4 and TSH are not available.
5- do you advise if I need to do Cortisol and progesterone tests as well? obviously I don't want to spend unnecessary money but if it is required to have a clear picture as why might be causing low energy and mood then I will arrange to do it.
6- one of the ingredients in the gut Guard is licorice extract Gut Guard - For Dogs With Irritated Guts, is this safe for Bella given her heart condition? is it safe with Ubiqounal or hawthorn berry?
7- pls advise if I need to run any other tests, give any other supplement or avoid giving anything that can be harmful.
thank you so much
You can download the picture or document for future reference.