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Anything else for Car anxiety?


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Blossom has been here a few weeks short of 4 months. Still not making enough progress riding in the car. When she sees another dog being walked from the car she gets even more nervous and whiney.She may bark if she sees someone from the car but her activity level is about 100 percent higher compared to when in the house. Yesterday she bit the trainer. When he starts to leave she starts barking and bolting at him. The trainer thought that in her past life she was tethered which is why she has such a reaction to his leaving. I don't really "get it" but ...... I have tried the Flow essence which didn't do anything, the rescue remedy that didn't do anything, and the first time she had the panic reaction I was using the DAP. CBD did not work on her so I am back to considering drugs. She needs to ride in the car---she is a different dog in the car. At home she seems pretty calm except when the trainer comes she barks constantly at him but has learned commands well and seems to enjoy the training. I do not want a dog that bites. Her records never showed biting. I I feel he should have punished her severely so she doesn't do it again but he didn't do anything He has been nipping at him for a couple weeks now that went uncorrected. I honestly feel I want to open the door and let her out. I do not want to get sued. If anyone has any other ideas about any strong drug I can use---the trazadone did not do much but when she got here from the shelter they had her on gabapentin that morning AND trazadone and she did do the 4 hour ride. So maybe I should try that combo again.
No drugs, please. OTOH, properly chosen homeopathic remedies could definitely help. And - as I said before - punishment will only be confusing and frustrating; dogs cannot make what we see as a consequence. Can she ride in a crate, maybe a soft one, in the car? Can you slow the heck up and go back to square one, with very short rides, for which calmness is generously rewarded and praised? Can you park the car somewhere where dogs might walk by, and then prepare her verbally: "Blossom, there is a dog coming, and when he passes, if you are "EASY" and quiet, you will get one, two, thre, four treats..." Count them out, and tell her with each, "This is ONE treat for staying EASY when that dog went by" "This is TWO treats for staying EASY when that dog went by.... Etc. etc. Dogs will understand what you are saying IF you are calm and consistent. If she is not easy, you can tell her that, too: "Oh, THAT wasn't EASY. Now you don't get this treat for being easy...."

Communicate, as you would with a child. I think she likes the trainer because he lets her think for herself and CHOOSE to do the behavior. Dogs respond wonderfully to this approach, but they shut down when hollered at or punished. Make it about "reward" or "nothing" - all positives. Lots of love and laughing. NO DRUGS.
Ginny do you have any suggestions for homeopathics I can try also? I will try the prescription you lay out above. Well, not using the trainer anymore. When he did not correct and redirect her after nipping and biting it raised my hackles and found out he isn't who he says he is and sleuthing uncovered some legal issues in the past which make me uncomfortable. Was Blossom actually protecting me sensing what I did not know at the time? She hasn't ever barked at anyone else so constantly, i.e. not any service worker here or worker that comes n the house. So back to square one on the formal training issue too.
Lil, I am not qualified, and will not venture to prescribe what should be personalized and supervised homeopathic management. But, since it addresses the subject's issues specifically and thoughtfully, it is by far the best way to guide her to calmness and comfort. Anything else is just a mask for the issues.
In the meantime, continue to honor who she is and what her needs are. No punishment, as it fixes nothing and just confuses her. She wants to please - they all do - so encourage good behavior, dismiss the bad stuff, and keep her engaged and happy. This little girl will, well, blossom, to the extent that you encourage her. She has great potential for attentiveness and love, so just let it happen.
Thank you for the encouragement of ME which helps her. Yes, she DOES want to please (you know and you haven't even met her!!) She is so smart and her name DOES characterize her, Blossom. She appreciates you being on her team. The other day it was another "anniversary" of JJ's passing, she looked so supportive and came over to comfort me in my sadness. She did not fuss when I went out to put flowers on his grave---she usually follows me out the door, but she did not approach the door and seemed to sense that I was doing my own thing.
Hi Lil!
Here's a past thread about car sickness, but you may find it helpful for anxiety too: Car sick
Kim, thank you so much for this because it is my primary issue right now. I don't see car sickness in Blossom. She loves to eat all the treats while sitting in the front seat. So how did AlysonR get from the small trip to a cross country trip. I have to go to Michigan very soon for one day and at this point I am desperate to just take her and go no matter what because that is how important this trip is. I was supposed to go before I got her, and never expected this to be a roadblock getting her. So she is doing well for about 15 minutes riding in the car eating high value treats. But I can't do that all the way to MI. She loves getting in the car and sitting in the car I think there is too much stimulation once we ride for too long. I am trying to avoid her "reaching threshold" and read her behavior to prevent that. I have been watching Youtube videos educating myself, Cesar Millan specifically. One thing I was not doing before was making sure she had calm energy BEFORE entering the car. She used to get overexcited, flying into the car and from there it was downhill. Now I try techniques to calm her before entering the car which is working. When she gets overexcited, I give her the poke that Cesar does and make that signature sound he makes"Tschhh." That seems to work. She often now sits on her own in the car to get a treat. I was going to put her snuffle mat in the back, not just for the treats but she seems to use it as a comfort item as she mostly sits on it at home when there are no treats there. So, the calm energy thing I am trying to work on. Cesar's videos prove that. No trainer ever told me about the calm energy thing before she gets in. I am hoping that like AlysonR's post I can go from 15 minutes to a 3 hour car ride without months of building up to it. I am using the calm energy when she is all riled up when I get home too---the poke and a TSCHHHH.....it works. Cesar says it opens the brain. He says we talk too much to dogs and they hear it as barking. He said their priorities are nose, eyes and ears in that order but we often yell at them and we need to understand how their brain works.
Kim, thank you so much for this because it is my primary issue right now. I don't see car sickness in Blossom. She loves to eat all the treats while sitting in the front seat. So how did AlysonR get from the small trip to a cross country trip. I have to go to Michigan very soon for one day and at this point I am desperate to just take her and go no matter what because that is how important this trip is. I was supposed to go before I got her, and never expected this to be a roadblock getting her. So she is doing well for about 15 minutes riding in the car eating high value treats. But I can't do that all the way to MI. She loves getting in the car and sitting in the car I think there is too much stimulation once we ride for too long. I am trying to avoid her "reaching threshold" and read her behavior to prevent that. I have been watching Youtube videos educating myself, Cesar Millan specifically. One thing I was not doing before was making sure she had calm energy BEFORE entering the car. She used to get overexcited, flying into the car and from there it was downhill. Now I try techniques to calm her before entering the car which is working. When she gets overexcited, I give her the poke that Cesar does and make that signature sound he makes"Tschhh." That seems to work. She often now sits on her own in the car to get a treat. I was going to put her snuffle mat in the back, not just for the treats but she seems to use it as a comfort item as she mostly sits on it at home when there are no treats there. So, the calm energy thing I am trying to work on. Cesar's videos prove that. No trainer ever told me about the calm energy thing before she gets in. I am hoping that like AlysonR's post I can go from 15 minutes to a 3 hour car ride without months of building up to it. I am using the calm energy when she is all riled up when I get home too---the poke and a TSCHHHH.....it works. Cesar says it opens the brain. He says we talk too much to dogs and they hear it as barking. He said their priorities are nose, eyes and ears in that order but we often yell at them and we need to understand how their brain works.
Blossom is a lucky girl to have you!
@LilF So sorry to hear all that you’re emcoutering.
May I offer a few suggestions?
1. Take Dr Edwards Whole Energy Body Balance course. He has one for per owners that about $10AUS/$7 US dollars a month for hands on touch for anxiety. He’s really gentle and talented!
2. Get a Holistic Vet. Many work over Zoom or phone. I just had an appt today with
Dr Todd Cooney whos been amazingly helpful! Dr Jeff & Christina like him too!
He is a Homeopathic Vet and zeroed in on the perfect remedy for Romeo and he showed improvement within 10 minutes of the first dose! Homepathy is incredible when you have the right remedy and that takes a professional!
3. Consider an Animal Communicator like myself that can connect with your Dog and find out whats going on and offer Healing.
4. Dr Ian Dunbar has some good Puppy training. Finding Positive Training is critical to the psychological well-being of your Dog and a loving approach will be much more effective than punishment.
Would you punish a child learning to walk that fell down? Of course not. Your Dog is the same…he wants to please you and do the right thing. It takes a positive training approach with daily consistency for him to learn until its automatic. Be patient and be kind.

Hope this helps. Ginnys ideas are great too. I’d be delighted to help your Dog of you wish. Just PM me for my contact info. Take good care.
i think Dr Ian Dunbar has some food techniques for training, but I don’t agree with him on vaccinations and his germ phobia!

Does anyone else know of good Dog Training Programs that are affordable? Or how to find a
positive reward Trainer?
I wanted everyone to know I got Blossom to ride in the car to go to the vet today!! I did use lavendar in the car liberally so don't know if that helped. Big milestone. So now we are formally established. After the other trainer did not exactly work out, I went on youtube to watch Cesar Millan videos and learned enough (calmness_ I guess along with practice everyday. So now she is formally established. She loved smelling all around the clinic and LOVED LOVED the staff, even licking their faces (Boo Hiss she never licked MY face!!) She did well for her exam and nail trim. I told her what the vet would be doing before we went. After the appointment she walked all around outside again and the car ride home even seemed easier. She had a delightful time. Everyone fawned over her and said what a nice temperament she has. and how small she is. One woman said that her relative lost a pit and wanted another and I told her where I got Blossom and so maybe she will save a life. She was touched I saved her off death row in the nick of time. So I pretty much got out of the way and just let her do her thing today. For Ginny---- Ginny, she only gained one pound since I got her from the shelter where she weighed 50 lbs. I CANNOT believe she only gained one pound. It is not like she walks a lot. Maybe she has a tapeworm!!!:) That is a mystery to me that she has not gained 5-10 lbs. with all the eating which I am trying to cut down on after being spanked by Ginny to not "louse it up"!!!
I wanted everyone to know I got Blossom to ride in the car to go to the vet today!! I did use lavendar in the car liberally so don't know if that helped. Big milestone. So now we are formally established. After the other trainer did not exactly work out, I went on youtube to watch Cesar Millan videos and learned enough (calmness_ I guess along with practice everyday. So now she is formally established. She loved smelling all around the clinic and LOVED LOVED the staff, even licking their faces (Boo Hiss she never licked MY face!!) She did well for her exam and nail trim. I told her what the vet would be doing before we went. After the appointment she walked all around outside again and the car ride home even seemed easier. She had a delightful time. Everyone fawned over her and said what a nice temperament she has. and how small she is. One woman said that her relative lost a pit and wanted another and I told her where I got Blossom and so maybe she will save a life. She was touched I saved her off death row in the nick of time. So I pretty much got out of the way and just let her do her thing today. For Ginny---- Ginny, she only gained one pound since I got her from the shelter where she weighed 50 lbs. I CANNOT believe she only gained one pound. It is not like she walks a lot. Maybe she has a tapeworm!!!:) That is a mystery to me that she has not gained 5-10 lbs. with all the eating which I am trying to cut down on after being spanked by Ginny to not "louse it up"!!!
This is such wonderful news! Well done @LilF So elated for all of you! This is so HUGE! YAY!
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