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Ants in house of pets



Hello all!
We have some ants coming in through a door where the kitties sit. Looking for a holistic safe something I can put in that area where they sit and breath. Thanks!
If the kitties will eat the ants, you should let them!

Bugs are an important and nutritious part of their natural diet.

If they just watch them come in, like many cats will do, try spreading a line of boric acid or DE.

Some people also have even reported success from putting down homeopathic pellets of Berberis to repel ants.
I agree with Dr. Jeff's suggestion of boric acid or DE. I would put any product outside or inaccessible to the kitties. You don't want the cats sniffing either product, though cats are less likely to do that than dogs.
In addition, look outside and see if there is a crack in the foundation that is making this area attractive to the ants. I use Wondercide cedar based spray in an area by my back door where the ants like to come in.
Stay well,
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