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Annie blood in stool with potential bowel blockage - appetite decrease - and potential kidney disease

I am using the original solution. Should I be making up a new batch each day? Clearly I do not totally know what I am doing!
Using the original cup is perfect!
Hi Dr Jeff, just a quick Annie update : She had a chance to see her favorite friend last night during our pre-bedtime outing (9:30pmish) and was quite thrilled although her excitement lasted shorter than usual but she was excited and even ran towards him (Connor) to greet him. She did manage to take a few more tiny bites of food later in the evening before turning her head away from me.
Earlier in the evening, she had gotten up from her laying position when my boyfriend returned home (~8pm) to greet him with a wagging tail - this was big (her evening Phos dose was perhaps a little more than 2hrs before this).

And then for today, she didn't throw up this morning or at any point today so far. Her diarrhea occurred this morning just before our 7:30am walk and then again at 10:30am.
Her energy was pretty much the same during our morning walk.
No interest in any food.
I had given her Phos dose around 8am and didn't notice too much since she just went to lay down on her cushion (and then I ran the red/NIR light for about 20mins on her).
She wasn't terribly interested in doing much when I took her outside at noon other than a quick pee and then just stood there not quite sure what to do next.
Just wanted to keep you posted!
Thanks so much for keeping us updated Tina!

Sounds like Annie is trying to live her best life (along with a lot of support from you).

I look forward to our appointment on Friday.

BTW-Thanks for all the records.
I also just forwarded several pictures of her muzzle/tongue since I am still really suspecting something not right there. Please let me know if you would like for me to also post the photos in the forum here for convenience?
I'll go look now, but yes, posting pictures here in the future is a good idea.
I am wondering if I should get her into the vet for a B12 injection to help with her energy and potential anemia with lack of eating?
I also have some Sucralfate from the emergency vet which I understand is good for ulcers, I only gave her two doses originally then decided to stop since wasn't really sure if it was going to do more harm than good. But with her discomfort, I'm wondering if a hammer (Sucralfate) at this point might be worth trying?
Oral or injectable B12 would be a great idea!

Have you had it tested (VDI Lab does that and lots more).

If your vet said to use sucralfate, then yes definitely use it. Otherwise, I avoid artificial medications.
Hi Dr Jeff - Annie is showing quite a bit of discomfort now when I attempt to get her to eat. She hasn't eaten anything since Tuesday. She tried to take a little food that I offered today (licked the tiniest amount from my hand) since she looked hungry and then seemed very disturbed that she couldn't eat and stood there looking in pain. I am hoping that you might have suggestions for pain management that we could discuss tomorrow as well?
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