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Alternatives to E-Collar After Surgery


VIP Member
Jul 29, 2017
Hi all -- Has anyone ever used an alternative to an e-collar after surgery? Looking for information for a friend whose female pup having spay surgery next week. I've seen body suits talked about. Looking for opinions. Thanks!

Thanks for helping your friend, Kristen. Encourage her to take the 101 course so this pup has a better chance of great long life.

First, I would do nothing - maybe rescue remedy post op for a few days - and watch to see if the dog bothers it all. Take a well being day from work if she/he can.

If done well, the sutures should be buried so there is nothing for the dog to pull on. A tee shirt, adapted for the dog's size can be great.

Inflatable collars and soft cloth collars are usually very well tolerated. Go for fabric, not plastic (can be noisy).

Pay attention to any behavior changes in the next few months and address them with Flower Essences or homeopathy.

Dr. Christina
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