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Acute Vomiting in Dog After Eating Outdoor Weed


Community Member
Dec 13, 2023
Conversation with Dr. Cooney:

Hi Dr Todd, I booked appt for end of this month. Hope you received emails.

On Thursday morning, Wendell ate tons of this common weed. She threw up some of it. I fed her usual raw food that morning along with her heart worm med. She seemed fine. Fed her again in evening. That night about 3 or 4 hours later, she threw up her food 3 or 4x thru out night. Early after noon on Friday, gave her regular food. She was fine so fed her again in evening, she began throwing up again 3 or 4 hours after supper thru out night. On Sat I cooked rice and boiled chicken. Fed her 1/2 cup chicken and 1/2 cup rice around 4 in afternoon. Fed her another half cup of chicken and rice that evening. She didn’t throw anything up Sat evening but once tried to cough like she was going to. Sunday I gave 1 & 1/2 cup of mixture both meals. She threw up again last night but only once.

What should I do? Cut back on food today ? Only feed her once? Change up the proportions of rice and chicken? Less chicken? Anything else I can do to help her tummy? Seems very irritated. My vet, when she ate all the bamboo, had me dissolve sucralfate in aloe and give to her but don’t have anymore. ( do have some I was taking) Anyway my vet is unavailable until after New Year due to hurricane. I would have to go to emergency vet if you thought I needed to. Her energy and appetite seem good. She played fetch last night before supper. Also since I gave her heart med Thursday morn with meal and she threw up about 1 am the next morning, did she get benefits of med or do I need to dose her again sooner than a month? Thanks and sorry for being long winded.

Dr. Cooney:;I’d fast from all food and treats for 24 hours and give Nux vomica or phosphorus
2 doses about 12 hours apart

Ok thanks. I have such a difficult time not feeding her. Should I go back to bland diet after the fasting? Just gave her a dose of phosphorus.

Dr. Cooney: Good. Yes, back to bland diet

Hello, Just thought I’d check in with you guys at holistic actions to see if you have anything to add. We are on about 15 hours since Wendell was last fed. She loves food so much I have a difficult time with fasting her especially when I’m eating and she isn’t. I’m hoping to feed her again around 7 pm. That’s about 21 hours. Do I try to distract her when she’s fasting by taking walks or naps with her? We are napping now.

Also, should she be ok with waiting another month to give heart worm meds? I gave her the meds with her morning food on Thursday. She began throwing up about 12 hours later, I think.

Thanks so much
I'm so sorry to hear about Wendell's recent health challenges.

And I'm glad that you were able to email with Dr. Cooney! Fasting and a remedy should help her regain equilibrium.
Do I try to distract her when she’s fasting by taking walks or naps with her? We are napping now.
Perfect! Both the weeks and napping with you will help optimize the effect of the fasting and the remedy.

The more outdoor sniffing and play that she can do, the better.

Also, should she be ok with waiting another month to give heart worm meds?
Great question! Yes, the Heartguard should have been a absorbed in those 12 hours and her body could use a rest from more medications.
I'm so sorry to hear about Wendell's recent health challenges.

And I'm glad that you were able to email with Dr. Cooney! Fasting and a remedy should help her regain equilibrium.

Perfect! Both the weeks and napping with you will help optimize the effect of the fasting and the remedy.

The more outdoor sniffing and play that she can do, the better.

Great question! Yes, the Heartguard should have been an absorbed in those 12 hours and her body could use a rest from more medications.
Thanks so much for the reinforcement and support. All comments most helpful. (Loved the webinar tonight. I think this kind of communication with our animal family is vital. This heart/soul connection is everything.)
Yes!! I'm so glad that the webinar resonated with you Joe.

Conscious Compassionate Communication is the essence of what we teach at HA!

Communication with our pets can occur intuitively, through their behavior, body language and especially through their physical symptoms.

Yes!! I'm so glad that the webinar resonated with you Joe.

Conscious Compassionate Communication is the essence of what we teach at HA!

Communication with our pets can occur intuitively, through their behavior, body language and especially through their physical symptoms.

Thanks for the two sites. I have much to learn.

Wendell didn’t vomit last night but did go through the reflex of throwing up ,
nothing came up. It’s almost like she’s trying to cough something up. I wonder if her throat/esophagus is irritated from all the greens she ate.. Happy Holidays to all!
How’s her BEAM?
Be as patient with your learning journey as you need to be with his healing journey.
Yes, there is a lot to learn. Most important is to realize there is no one correct answer, no one expert. Your observations (may help to download the Healthy Dog Journal and keep it up) and learning to focus on BEAM and understand cure, palliation & suppression are the most expert advice. do read some of the webinars and posts about HMDM (holistic medical decision making).

I am sure you have done the 101 holistic health for pets course which has that info, too.

And a good hands on book to have is Don Hamilton's Homeopathy for Cats and Dogs. Especially read chapters 2 & 3 which emphasize the healing principles that we discuss at HA!.

Dr. Christina
PS: I, too have great trouble fasting animals ---- or myself!
How’s her BEAM?
Her energy is good. Her appetite is good. Her mood is good. Still wants to play. Still mischievous.. She hasn’t thrown up for a week. She just coughs a couple of times a day as if she is trying to get something out of throat or it’s just irritated.
Be as patient with your learning journey as you need to be with his healing journey.
Yes, there is a lot to learn. Most important is to realize there is no one correct answer, no one expert. Your observations (may help to download the Healthy Dog Journal and keep it up) and learning to focus on BEAM and understand cure, palliation & suppression are the most expert advice. do read some of the webinars and posts about HMDM (holistic medical decision making).

I am sure you have done the 101 holistic health for pets course which has that info, too.

And a good hands on book to have is Don Hamilton's Homeopathy for Cats and Dogs. Especially read chapters 2 & 3 which emphasize the healing principles that we discuss at HA!.

Dr. Christina
PS: I, too have great trouble fasting animals ---- or myself!
Hi Dr Christina,
Thanks for the suggestions. I will go over those chapters again in Hamilton’s book. And yes, patience is definitely something I could use for both of us, realizing it’s a journey and a trust walk.

Lol to fasting animals and ourselves. I’m in there with you.

Happy New Year to you and all at HA
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