I was disappointed that Blossom's anxiety, actually it is panic in the car, did not respond to Aconite that was prescribed by a homeopath. Not even an ounce of improvement or calmness. I gave her 3 drops in some skim milk. Took her for a 10 min walk and then in the car. I was making better progress with her feeding treats. I fed her treats and gave her aconite today and I really think she experiences panic, not simple anxiety. It seemed worse having given her the aconite. This is her typical... to respond in a paradoxial manner. I don't know if a different remedy is used for panic. Is there actual evidence, clinical studies this method works. don't know what it is going to take to see some greater progress than I did on my own for 8 months she has been here. I have heard of anecdotal cases of homeopathy working but I would like to see some peer reviewed studies.