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Abscess in the mouth


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2021
Hello @Dr. Christina ,@Dr. Jeff , and everyone,

Sadly my two dogs got into a fight while a gate separated them last night (about 12 hours ago). My 7-year-old neutered French bulldog got his lip caught. It happens so fast and was really so fast I wasn't sure if it really happened. I checked him over I thought everything was fine.

Before bed I saw the puncture. I started arnica and went to get something to clean it with. Of course when I came back with some sovereign silver hydrosol I couldn't find the puncture inside his mouth again so thought I had imagined it. I did some arbitrary internal sprays and a few arnica doses before bed.

I did relocate the puncture and see it has now abscessed with a small amount of white pus that comes out with pressure. This happened once before but it was his ear and I was able to treat it at home cleaning it regularly with hydrogen peroxide.

Because it's in the mouth I wasn't sure if hydrogen peroxide was okay to use. My question is, is this something I can still treat at home? I know if I go to the vet they will just want to put them on antibiotics. He is already such a sensitive dog with not great gut biome.

Hard to tell his beam since it happened after dinner and when the night starts to get mellow and it's before he typically wakes up or eats, but he did sleep through the night (and is still sleeping soundly minus my prodding).

Thank you,


Attached putter photo showing swelling and not great inside photo where you can see some of the puss (it's not oozing, but is there)


IMHO, it should be fine. Remember that an "abscess" is merely the body cleaning up.
do not worry much about topical treatments since it is in the mouth.

Send Love, not Worry. Do any energy healing you have learned. Watch the BEAM, and it is ok if the mouth is a little sore for a few days as long as it does not get worse. Maybe not the time to be feeding bones.

make sure everything that makes him happy and feeds his health is done now. Massage, exercise, play (maybe not ball or frisbee), walks, snuffle mat, trick learning, etc.

As always, if your intuition clearly tells you to go to the vet, do so.

Was the fight a one off thype of thing or do you need to be addressing that? Maybe Tellington T touch?

Dr. Christina
is this something I can still treat at home?
Probably, tho the pic isn't clear about the extent of the injury.

In general, mouths heal very quickly.

How's his BEAM today? I concur with Dr. Christina that a vet exam, if it would make you more comfortable, is the right thing to do.

Rember, you're in charge. Having an exam and evaluation does not mean that you need to start him on anti-biotics.
@Dr. Jeff and @Dr. Christina,

Thank you so much for the info. I thought I replied sooner.

His beam was generally good for clearly being in pain. The hole was pussing for a few days, but I did my best to monitor and empty. At day three is stopped pussing making me feel the infection was gone. I was pretty good at clearing my mind of worry before examining and giving him lots of fun things to focus on.

Since then his beam has gone down a bit as far as eating and behavior, but I think it's from the fight.

Unfortunately, the dogs not getting along is not uncommon, but they haven't had an altercation for about a year. They are always separated in the house and the fight happened between a gate. We are slowly making progress, but I know this set up back again.

Thanks for your help. See you both tonight.
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