- Your pet's name- Willow and spirit
- Approximate age- 8-9 weeks old
- Sex- female
- Neutering status- too young to be desexed
- Breed- ragdoll + domestic
- Approximate weight- 800-900gms
- What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)- very playfull, full of energy, loving
- Diet- one week ago started them on a raw diet
- Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication- never been vaccinated
- Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time-
a diet of raw 70% minced chicken frame, 20% greens and 10% organs-
I was quite nervous to start the kittens on minced chicken frames as there are tiny bones chicken frame bone/cartilage that feels tough in it. my local holistic vet said this is ok and that they're bodies can digest it?
since they have been on this diet i noticed with some of there poos that there is some mucous in theyre poo and the colour varies alot. My local holistic vet said this is normal when kittens are adjusting to a new raw food diet? is this correct? she has recommended that i give some probiotics and a natural gut support supplement to them as they adjust.
Just wanted to get a second opinion on this diet and help ease my mind with feeding the kittens minced chicken frames & necks thast have tiny bones in it.
I have added some pictures of the poo.
thanks. Matt

- Other health concerns