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12 year old Spitz has issues


Community Member
Jan 17, 2024
Mickey is a 12 year old mostly Spitz dog that we are fostering for the local dog shelter that we support. He lives with as family for 9 years and then their house burnt down and he was shuttled around to three homes before he ended up in our dog shelter, where he stayed for 1 1/2 years and was totally miserable. So we brought him to our home in June 2023. He was a challenge, smart but grumpy, bit people easily, and chased cats. We learned together. I don’t touch him when he doesn’t want to be touched. I talk to him a lot, use reiki, assure him that this is his home. He gets along well with our beagle Simon, but oh…the cats! The compromise was that he can be loose in our large closed-in property but in the house, he has his bed in the hall and is tied with a long leash. To be fair, he quite accepts this procedure. Last month he had a mini stroke. He spent days just staring ahead, looking uncertain, needing to be beside me all the time, and began licking a spot on


Community Member
Jan 17, 2024
His side…which became inflamed, so we had to put an Elizabethan collar on him to treat it and let it heal. Again he accepted the collar. Now I have put a soft coat on him which covers the wound (now healed). But he still wants to lick that spot. So….the two main problems now are - how to get him to stop licking that area, and how to get him to NOT chase cats.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Elizabeth!
Thank you so much for giving Mickey a home and compassionately working through his challenges.
covers the wound (now healed).
It may be healed physically but not energetically...

But he still wants to lick that spot. So….the two main problems now are - how to get him to stop licking that area,
Maybe try some Stress Stopper (4x/day or massaged on his coat an/or in the area that he licks).

and how to get him to NOT chase cats.
That one's not so simple (especially if he enjoys himself when he chases them).

If he is food or treat motivated, perhaps start using a snuffle mat twice a day. And lots of extra Therapeutic Sniff Walks and focusing on whatever makes him happiest (other than chasing the cats ;) ).


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