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  1. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Thank you for this. I appreciate your understanding that I have to be the one to evaluate what is best, and taking the time to explain some things. It's good to know not to be praising her for itching. I was doing that and it did feel a bit odd, especially since it got clearer that it's fleas...
  2. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Well there's not much I can do about that, and not sure that's necessary. You wanted me to see someone locally that's holistic and there are not a lot of options. I don't really understand this holier than thou thing. Or being afraid of every single drug. It's too extreme for me. I was pleased...
  3. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    I haven't tried probiotics yet. Quercetin I thought helped the immune system but I tried that in the beginning and it didn't help. I am curious to see if after flea season the itching goes away now that she's been treated for fleas. I still definitely won't suppress the itch, and my vet said she...
  4. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Thank you for your response. I really haven't been doing that much, only simple tweaks on more enrichment. And it was advised through this thread to see a holistic vet in-person. I don’t expect anyone to be 100% correct. No one can be. But it's not unreasonable to be confused and concerned...
  5. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Stool sample for internal parasites was negative. So not the cause of high EOS — this means it was from fleas (the itching). I am disappointed that the call I had with @Dr. Christina told me the wrong thing. It makes me leary of doing any other call with a vet on this site. Doesn't sound like...
  6. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Test results: Her blood test revealed high eosinophils (over 6,000) but everything else was great. This is why they think it's fleas, because I guess they can cause tapeworm. Still trying to get a stool sample to test it for tapeworms. She doesn't normally use the litterbox. What do you...
  7. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Integrative and certified homepathic vet says she thinks it's fleas, so contradicting what @Dr. Christina said it wasn't. Found from your list to find a holistic vet. Given Bravecto and we will see if she's right. I pushed back on it but she said it's safer and less toxic than the older flea...
  8. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    No new foods right now. I don't know how to properly eliminate foods without her not having enough nutrients. We started transitioning her on raw food last summer - in July, so it's been a little over a year. I did see her itching somewhat outside last summer. She never itched before with the...
  9. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Thank you! I did some research and got the ripple rug. Wanted her to have something different :) Can't wait till it gets here. Okay, good to know. It's been over 6 months so she has a holistic vet appointment this Friday. Her labwork was last done Dec 2021 so it's overdue. They are doing that...
  10. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    What do you recommend for extra enrichment? I definitely love on her a lot everyday - petting, holding her, and saying how much I love her. For play, I have a couple teaser toys on a stick but she gets bored of those quickly. I have noticed she itches less with playing than she used to. I do try...
  11. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    I wanted to check what else I should do since my cat is still itching? The Rescue Remedy she would purr but didn't seem to do anything - used that for over a week. Is this something we can continue using? What else should I be looking at/reading?
  12. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Oh I like that 😻 Thank you!
  13. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Got it, I am doing that now 😺 She has been purring. I am curious if this ends up decreasing the itching? Because she won’t really go at it as much when I do. But I know the itching is good…it is a very interesting concept I’m not used to. Eventually the itching would just go away when she is...
  14. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Hi @Dr. Jeff and thank you for your responses! :) It is a mix of all of those in general - licking, nibbling her body and scratching her head/neck with her feet. When playing, it's mainly licking a lot on her paws, legs, chest. Some paw chewing too I think. I know I see some flakiness on her...
  15. M

    Cat itching help - is it fleas or food allergy?

    Carmel - cat 12 Female Neutered Maine Coon 9-10 pounds B - Behavior - good, loving, cuddles with me and sleeps with me often, gentle except when she thinks we’re playing. She does itch, licks her chest/paws/legs a lot & nibbles. Chews paws. I have seen her recently eat rodents that were dead for...
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