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  1. KimL

    8-M/O Kitten - Chronic Digestive

    Thank you Dr. Jean. Wonderful to hear from you also. As mentioned in my reply above I am giving him supplemental nutrition knowing that that is also needed, over and above his meat/fish. I will focus on the calcium issue and perhaps boost that. As mentioned in my (very long 🤣) initial message...
  2. KimL

    8-M/O Kitten - Chronic Digestive

    Yes, those are definitely great products. I have gone ahead and ordered the LIfe Extension cat mix. As mentioned above I have been using the Spark from Petwellbeing, which is a great product, with some liquid mag/cal/glucosamine blend. He gets a syringe filled with a ton of nutrition at least...
  3. KimL

    8-M/O Kitten - Chronic Digestive

    Thank you for your quick reply Dr. Jeff. I will look into the resources you shared today. Prior to the diet mentioned above, he was only eating fish. Mainly Mahi Mahi and some tuna. It's very easy to get fresh fish here and it seemed to digest best for him. He ate that way for about 2-3 months...
  4. KimL

    8-M/O Kitten - Chronic Digestive

    Hello all, I hope this finds you happy and well. This is my first post here, so forgive me if there is a thread I missed where I should have put this discussion. 1. Your pet's name - Strider (from Lord of the rings) 2. Approximate age - 8 Months 3. Sex - Male 4. Neutering status -...
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