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Search results

  1. N

    Pumpkin will not open one eye

    Pumpkin (cat) with previous sore red eyes. Since then I have found a holistic vet. She is an angel in disguise. She has does acupuncture treatments on the first visit and diagnosis. I was prepared with my cat journal. Gave credit to Dr. Christina. Second visit she went into Pumpkins mouth and...
  2. N

    Cat Collars

    The collar I need is not for fleas or ticks. It is so the cat cannot rub her eyes with her front paws. Thanks.
  3. N

    Cat Collars

    My cat Pumpkin has now worn a collar for 3 weeks. Her neck now has patches where the hair has rubbed off. She has to keep wearing it because she is rubbing her eyes red and sore and then cannot open them. Is there a recommended cat collar off Amazon or somewhere else that would stop the rubbing...
  4. N

    Cat with running sore red eyes

    thank you Dr Jeff. Now how do I reach these recommended homeopathic vets that you listed. Also Dr. Christina had mentioned one from Calgary Alberta that who be good for using Canadian money. I have misplaced the name. Can you direct me?
  5. N

    Cat with running sore red eyes

    1. Pumpkin (Precious) cat 2. 12 3. Female 4. Neutered at 4 years 5. Siamese flame sealpoint 6. 4.13 kg 9.08 lbs 7. BEAM (behavior - quiet and slow, energy- sleeping lots, appetite- eating less, mood- subdued) 8. Diet - moved from kibble to canned pate, fed 4 times a day, total 8 grams...
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