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Dr. Jeff, Dr. Christina, and Dr. Jean,
I don't seem to be able to link to you with the @ key anymore. I just cancelled my membership. It makes me sad to do so, but I would like to rejoin when we get another dog, and I would like to have a relationship with a holistic vet from the beginning, as...
I heard about it through Children's Health Defense, and have ordered it! It will be a great supplement to what I have been learning here, slow though my learning may be.
Thank you for your beautiful words of comfort Dr. Jeff! The kind condolences of friends and family have been a real help. It has meant a great deal to me to be able to run things by you all since I joined Holistic Actions! Everyone I have communicated with has been so loving, kind, and helpful...
@Dr. Jeff
Dr. Jeff, it is with heavy heart that I want to let you know we had to put Buddy down yesterday. Last week, he was pretty much refusing all supplements and balking at some of his meds. As last week wore on, it became more and more difficult to get him to eat anything, and I was...
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina
Good morning, Dr. Jeff & Dr. Christina!
Since I spoke with you both during the Q&A webinar on Friday, I am addressing you both today. :)
Wanted to let you know that I have come up with a concoction that allows me to get Buddy's soil-based probiotic into him: half a...
Thank you, Dr. Jeff and Ginny!
Your kind words and advice put the wind under my sails! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me during this time.
We were back to the emergency room twice yesterday.:( Buddy has a UTI, and an ultrasound (that they didn't charge me for)...
@Dr. Jeff
hi Dr. Jeff!
It's been a while, and I want to run by you what has been happening with Buddy. On 8/20, Buddy had six seizures in less than 24 hours. We went back to the emergency department, and they gave him the cluster buster drug as well as tweaked his meds. He had a seizure as we...
@Dr. jeff
Good morning, Dr. Jeff!
Thank you for taking the time to define the areas of wellness I mentioned not knowing the difference between, or much about really, except for believing in a holistic view of health and wellness, and a little about natural remedies. I am learning! I answered...
Thank you so much! Now I have two doctors' names to tuck away, even if I don't work with a homeopath at this time in Buddy's life.
I don't know the difference between a homeopath, holistic practitioner, and naturopath. Need to consult Google! :)
Do you see clients in person, Dr. Jeff? You...
No, Dr. Jeff, I don't have a homeopath. When we get another dog, I will most certainly want a relationship with a homeopath/holistic/integrative vet. I live in New Britain, Connecticut. Do you know of any homeopaths up my way? I saw you recommended Dr. Stone in Watertown to another member. I...
@Dr. jeff
Hi Dr. Jeff!
So, looking back on our last correspondence, it was either Saturday or Sunday (8/3 or 4) when I started giving Buddy 3mg CBD in chew form, 1.5mg at 6:30AM and 1.5mg at 2:30PM. Yesterday (8/7) Buddy stopped eating (he had vomited the night before). Only once before have I...
P.S. It occurred to me that the "A" in BEAM stands for appetite, not attitude. His appetite is great, and his stools seem healthy. He is on daily probiotic.
@Dr. Jeff
hi Dr. Jeff!
I haven't given Buddy a rawhide chew in his bone since our communication on Monday. I didn't know that the treats were made in Taiwan, and I noticed blood in his stool, but this happens with Buddy periodically, even before his cancer diagnosis. I broke down and gave him...
@Dr. Jeff
Dr. Jeff, I just found this. I know this is not ideal. I think Buddy likes working at chewing and yanking the ring off the toy. Is there a more healthy alternative that would require him to yank.? I have not given him real bones, but maybe a real bone from Whole Foods. My rug is shot...
@Dr. Jeff
hi Dr. Jeff!
Thank you for your support and input, as always!
If you can suggest a substitute, I am all ears! :)
hi Dr. Jeff!
Just wanted to give an update and ask a question. As of today, Buddy has been seizure-free(?) for 28 days, since his last check-up with the neurologist when he had a seizure before leaving the vet hospital. He made it to 33 days before the last group of seizures, when they bumped...
hi Dr. Jeff!
I hope you had a fun 4th of July!
Buddy isn't exceedingly sleepy anymore, and his appetite seems pretty much back to normal. We let him have a "pup cup" ice cream last night, even though I know sugar is an absolute NO!!! for cancer. It's a bucket list item, only this once! He does...
@Dr. Jeff
Good morning, Dr. Jeff!
Buddy saw the neurologist on Monday. They have put him on another seizure med, zonisamide. He had a grand mal seizure as we were walking out the door after our appointment, and they whisked him in, thinking we were arriving for an emergency, not realizing we...
hi Dr. Jeff--
Buddy had three seizures this past day.😔 He had gone 33 days without any obvious seizure, as far as I know. These were all "grand mal," but I think he has had worse, or maybe I am getting used to seeing them. He barks for hours afterwards, off and on. He is barking now. Walks can...