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Recent content by dr_ judy herman

  1. D

    BPC-157 (body protective compound-157) Peptides Capsules

    I am unfamiliar with BPC 157, so I can't comment on it. Palliation is easily miss understood. In certification of homeopaths this seems to bring confusion. Any modality can palliate. In homeopathy our goal is always to cure the patient and bring a higher vitality which leads to a higher level...
  2. D

    Monk parrot suspected of tumor health care

    Hello, Tang. I am so sorry Xiaobao is so sick. You did mention a few symptoms that help finding a remedy that may help. It is difficult when our patients can't tell us exactly how they feel. The homeopathic remedy, calcarea carbonica, may give her some relief. I would not stop what you are...
  3. D

    Diet- low purine diet and low copper diet?

    Good morning, Patty. I have 2 friends who are Dalmatian breeders. They are also very active in the DCA and on the health committee. Both have been feeding home made raw diets to their Dals and recommend the same to their puppy parents for about 30 years. Before current breeding practices to...
  4. D

    Rescued our feral yesterday, she got fixed today & got 2 vaccinations. She has fleas, need advice please!!

    Sorry to chime in so late but I have been away. Totally agree with what has been said so far about the fleas. I would use the same protocol for this kitty as you did with your others with the parotid and thymex. These supplements will help her deal with all the chemicals.
  5. D

    Pulsatilla interactions with Butorphonol

    Lil, I agree with Dr. Christina and Dr. Jeff. There is no interaction between Pulsatilla and any drug. I find that the correct homeopathic remedy may even help prevent some adverse side effects. JJ is so precious. I love the picture.
  6. D

    Herbal support for Lyme positive dogs

    Yes, I do recommend following the directions on the bottles. The herbal formulas work best that way and both formulas compliment each other in getting rid of the cyst, spirochetes, and the biofilm. I have found that clients who skimp on the dosing do not have the same results as those who...
  7. D

    Can a dog be worse after acupuncture treatment?

    I agree with everyone responding. Acupuncture is a deep acting modality. Like any medicine, holistic and conventional, you can have 3 reactions to treatment, suppression, palliation, or cure. I am not an acupuncturist, but I did have a case of a dog being treated for a CCL with acupuncture...
  8. D

    Itching and food sensitivities - cats

    Jeff states it perfectly. I have treated many cats and dogs, including my own, for these issues. Each patient is an individual and treated as such. What will work for one Kitty may not work on the other.
  9. D

    Organon 246 and Dosing Homeopathic Medicines for Pets and People

    I was taught to give a dry dose and to watch and wait. The first week or two was a roller coaster of symptoms getting better than an aggravation of a symptom then improvement again. It was easier for me to follow if it were my companion but not for my pet parents. By moving to liquid dosing...
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    Herbal support for Lyme positive dogs

    In Maine like the rest of New England we have a lot of positive dogs with Lyme. Most of these dogs are not showing any outward symptoms. Over the last year, I have been approaching my Lyme positive patients differently than I have in the past. I have tried different herbal formulas...
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