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Hi Ashley,
The supplements that I like for balancing a raw or homecooked diet come from Integrative Veterinary Innovations (IVI). They contain some great whole foods and aren't just synthetic vitamins. They are created by Dr. Justin Schmalberg, an integrative boarded veterinary nutritionist...
Congrats Victoria! How awesome that your dog is enjoying the benefits of a raw diet in this short period of time. If you're feeding a commercially prepared raw diet the calcium levels should be adequate as they've already got ground bone or eggshell in the food and the packaging should say that...
Hi Danielle,
Yes, I'm the one that said that raw diet is cooling by nature so really any protein in a raw form (even the warmer proteins) will be trumped by the coolness of the raw. SO any protein in raw from can have a cooling effect on the body!
Hi Carey,
I love that you are going to make a shift from dry food to fresh! Personally I would not feed fish since this has been her diet for the past 3 years and she may have developed a sensitivity to it. Feeding variety of fresh foods will help prevent intolerances in the future. I'm a fan...
I'm a little late to the thread but wanted to recommend a product from Standard Process that helps detox chemicals. It comes up a lot when I muscle test pets that have chlorine as an underlying stressor to their system. The product is called Parotid PMG. Dosing is 1 per day for dog <20#, 2/d for...
Hi Lil,
It's fantastic that you're home cooking for your dog! These are the vitamin and mineral supplements that I recommend to my pet parents:
Home | ivinutrition
The IVI supplements were developed by two boarded veterinary nutritionists and they contain whole foods along with synthetic...
Hi Tasha,
If you're looking for a beginner's book, I like this short, to the point book "What Your Vet Never Told You" by Dr. Odette Sutter. If you want a more substantial explanation and guide, yet still manageable and easy to understand I have all of my clients read "Canine Nutrigenomics" by...
Hi Christine,
I choose different supplements based on whether there is an active urinary tract issue or whether you are just trying to be proactive. First and foremost it goes without saying that fresh food and moisture in the diet are extremenly important. Clean, non-chlorinated water is also...
Hi Julie,
The thymus is an important immune system organ. This organ is larger in young animals and people and decreases in size and function as they age. It's function is important to appropriate immune system response, so any help it can get is critical. The thymus gland helps with the...
Hi Deb,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I just got back from vacation and am playing catch-up! Yes, we are taking a limited amount of new clients and I'd be happy to schedule a Zoom consult with you. I have openings next week and the week following. Next Monday theh 4th I have some...
Hi Deborah,
As hard as it is, you may need to put her on the dry therapeutic kidney diet. You may be able to mix some of the Orijen in with it to get a little better nutrition. If the stools have no form, first try the kidney diet to see if they firm up. The Standard Process supplements may...
Hi Deborah,
It's tough when your kitty is having issues with diet change and is dealing with several complicating issues. The wet food would be ideal, but the transition is likely too much too fast for her. She may also need the fiber that is in the dry diet. Her bloodwork indicates that she...
Also - this little dog needs more fiber to help support healthy microbes in his gut and reduce bad bacteria as shown on his Animal Biome fecal microbe test. He's getting dark leafy greens added to his Answers as well.