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My feral’s broken tooth is sticking out of her mouth


Jun 24, 2021

I discovered yesterday my feral’s tooth is hanging out of her mouth. I can’t open her mouth to see it but I took a close up video that I have attached. She has an appetite and is eating normally. I’m starting to only give soft food or baby food today. Unfortunately, I don’t have the financial means to take her to a vet. I have arnica and I do have some antibiotic (still in box), but I am saving it for a dire emergency between all my cats. The vet doesn’t give this out easily. I don’t as any bleeding. She seems happy for me to pet her. I can’t tell if she’s in pain or what the gum looks like. I have no idea how this happened. Any advice on what to do?

Thank you! 🙏🏼

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff



I discovered yesterday my feral’s tooth is hanging out of her mouth. I can’t open her mouth to see it but I took a close up video that I have attached. She has an appetite and is eating normally. I’m starting to only give soft food or baby food today. Unfortunately, I don’t have the financial means to take her to a vet. I have arnica and I do have some antibiotic (still in box), but I am saving it for a dire emergency between all my cats. The vet doesn’t give this out easily. I don’t as any bleeding. She seems happy for me to pet her. I can’t tell if she’s in pain or what the gum looks like. I have no idea how this happened. Any advice on what to do?

Thank you! 🙏🏼

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff


Should I give her two 30c arnica In a little churu treat or baby food?
Hey Anna!
Any advice on what to do?
Yes! Take 3 deep breaths and treat her normally.

This happens all the time and unless it is bothering her (she'd stop eating and/or paw at her mouth) then just leave it alone.

Perhaps just feed her some big chunks of raw meat to help the tooth fall out.

Sure, you can give the Arnica (especially if it makes you feel better)!
Oh, Dr. Jeff! Thank you so much for your message. I can sleep better tonight! I will give her some raw chicken tomorrow! Thank you!! And yes, she seems okay to me. She lets me pet her and she talks to me, and has an appetite. I gave her only 1 30 C pellet of arnica. Maybe I will give her one more.. many blessings to you @Dr. Jeff
I love that she lets you pet her. Not all ferals are like that. You may want to learn one of the many energy healing approaches (most can be done without touching for ferals who are not so friendly) that we discuss at HA.

And I totally agree with Dr. Jeff - it looks painful, but she is not showing pain!! We just need to let them tell us what they need. Ah...maybe you could take an animal communication course.

Dr. Christina
You're very welcome Anna!
I agree, leave it alone. It may be coming out from the socket by itself, or it could be broken, but chances are it will come off by itself. If it's broken and the root gets infected (you'd know by her behavior) then action may be needed. Arnica is a good idea.

I keep trying to upload a 6 second video but not certain we can post videos here because it doesn’t seem to be working on my end. Can you view it?

Thank you all for your messages. Today is the second day I’ve tried giving her raw chunk of meat in hopes she can get the took out but it’s still there and she is struggling to chew on it. Should I try again tomorrow and continue tryin or at this point give her soft food for comfort?

I will give her some arnica in case she is in pain.

I will keep monitoring her behavior to watch for infection. I do have an unopened bottle of antibiotic from the vet that I’m saving for emergency for any of the cats.

Thank you all for your advice!

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff

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I would keep giving soft food to make sure she's getting enough nutrition, but if she's willing to even try meat chunks, that seems like a positive sign that it isn't terribly bothersome.
@AnnaH & @Dr. Jeff - the video is uploaded now in Anna's post above (we had a limit on the size of the file that can be uploaded, fixed that)
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