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Six year old dog experiencing chronic itching, scratching licking and anxiety/fear based behaviors


Community Member
Dec 13, 2023
Thank you, Dr. Jeff, for starting me off on my health journey with the generous and informative session last week. What a lovely connection! I thought it was time I made an online appearance,

1. My dog's name is Wendell
2. 6 years old
5. Breed: mixed
6. 39 lbs
7. Beam: Behavior Her challenging behaviors--She is very cautious. Is frightened of fireworks and thunder, but also noises that appear out of nowhere, like an unseen trash can slammed shut or a pack of dogs barking in the distance or behind a fence, A lamp post that is decorated for Christmas can send her in a panic, She spooks easily. She loved playing with other dogs until about the age of 3. She became more leash reactive toward the "new" dogs, but all the dogs she knew before then are her pals and there is no fear. She, now, seems to lack self-confidence with other dogs, She really wants to play with them. She loves people and is excited to see them. She basically has a sweet.loving disposition, Energy Her energy is excellent. She loves playing fetch, going for walks (unless something scares her and she heads for home), chase squirrels and birds. She is very agile and likes to climb and jump from one height to another, and to walk on very narrow curbs. And she likes being a guard dog. Appetite Presently, her appetite is very good. She loves her food and treats and gets very excited. Mood She is a very happy, animated being who loves life except during those times of fear and insecurity.

8.Diet: She's eating Small Batch frozen raw patties. Ive been rotating between pork and turkey. I've been seeing a TCM vet for the last 1 1/2 years. The vet has limited the proteins to neutral or cooling. We stopped beef because it seem to fatty for her. She has bone broth daily. Some goats milk and a little yogurt. Her treats are freeze dried organs, bison or other proteins with green veggies or cabbage and blueberries. I also give her plankton from Adored Beasts Apothecary and their pre and probiotics and liver tonic. I give her Nordic omega 3's, quercetin, CBD oil, Perelandra's microbial balancing solutions for different body systems, Bach Flower Remedies

9.Vaccination history: She has had all the vaccinations that my conventional vets prescribed yearly from rabies, bordetella, influenza, parvo distemper, lepto thru 2/22. Last year was the first year she had no vaccinations. She went off Next Guard for ticks and fleas last year as well. I'm using an essential oil mix instead. But we are still on heart worm meds each month. She due to take another around Jan 20. I noticed somewhere in my reading that it's ok to take them every 6 weeks.(If I feel the need to take the at all) Wondering if that's what I should do this month. This past year, Wendell and I were exposed to terrible off gasing from paint inside the house. We both got sick and left the house for 3 days. That was the beginning of stomach issues.

10.Primary problem , when it began, anything else happening at the time: The itching, scratching, licking is probably the most uncomfortable, disturbing daily problem. Even as a puppy she rubbed her nose against the rug or bedspread even when she hadn't just eaten. I really noticed the symptoms beginning around the age of 2 1/2 or 3 years. (The symptoms have gradually become more frequent and intense.) That was during Covid. That's when she stopped attending "play and train" with trainer and having supervised socializing with other dogs out on a big farm. A little after that she became more uncomfortable with strange dogs. An accompanying symptom with the beginnings of the itching and scratching was licking her lips like she was trying to swallow or something. This too happened more at night.

11When is condition better or worse:.She scratched most at bedtime, jumping out of the bed to scratch and back in the bed and out again, etc. This could go on for 10 mins. I don't know whether much of it was self soothing to help her get to sleep or not. She also scratched alot when she got up first thing in the morning. Presently she has been wearing a cone to bed. It seems to make her feel safer and she goes to sleep quickly without jumping in and of bed. There are fewer attempts to scratch in the morning when wearing the cone. She rarely scratches when she is eating, walking, playing fetch, or playing with her kong filled with treats or her snuffle mat. Its mainly when she's idle but not sleeping.

12.Has diagnostic work been done? Had bloodwork done for allergies.. She tested highly allergic to bed mites and storage mites and some mold. Food issues were not as much a problem.

13.Current and previous treatment: On 12/21 she had cytopoint injection, Presently, she is taking herbal formulas from TCM vet--Exterior Wind, a Dandruff formula for dry skin and blood building, and a calm mind formula. Dr. Rimer, the TCM vet, thinks much of this is mental and not allergies.

14.Other health concerns: Dr. Rimar has been working with the liver much of the time, this last year. Her liver enzymes were borderline high in 2022. Her digestion, which seems to have settled down, has been sensitive. She had diarrhea as a puppy until we found a food she could tolerate. Just this past year, she ate sausage gumbo someone had thrown out and also began eating bamboo leaves everyday. She irritated her gut so much that she couldn't keep her food down though she never lost her appetite. Dr. Rimar put her on a rice and protein diet. I weaned her back on her raw foods but eliminated beef. I began using Adorned Beasts pre and probiotics and digestive enzymes, and the liver tonic for the portal system. Her digestion has been great ever since. Just before the irritated gut issue she also had round worms, probably from eating cat poop, which she will go after if I'm not watchful.

ps She actually began life with skin issues. She found me as a two month old stray, sick and malnourished. She had mange badly and pyoderma.

I have an appointment with Dr. Todd Cooney on Feb 8, about 3 weeks away.

I would like to find a homeopathic doctor for me. I would appreciate any suggestions. I am quite certain that my evolution and my dogs are intertwined. And I know that my good health will contribute to Wendell's good health and vice versa.

Finally, Wendell's last bloodwork was 2/23, so I need to have recent bloodwork taken before my appointment with Dr. Cooney.
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina



  • WENDELL bloodwork 2:13:2023.pdf
    593.3 KB · Views: 2
Hey Joe!

You're very welcome. It was a pleasure to speak with you last week and get to talk a bit about Eckhart Tolle and the love and care of animals to help increase consciousness.

Wendell is a lucky girl to have you and is beautiful and looks very happy (and a bit wary)!

As per Dr. Rimer, I also suspect that her skin and emotional issues are intertwined. Dr. Cooney will definitely help you start to unravel them.

Her blood rest results look great!

Do you bathe or brush her (both can help her itch)?

Regarding heartworm meds, I wonder where you live and when's the mosquito season?

For now perhaps give extra focus to things she loves to do. Playing ball, quiet Therapeutic Sniff Walks, twice daily snuffle mat sessions, rides in the car, etc.

Whatever makes her happiest! ?

The more time she spends in her happy "sweet spot" the faster her body will be able to heal.

Thanks, Dr. Jeff,

Yes, Wendell is very curious and wary.

I do bathe her to help the itch. She’s never been much into being brushed but I’ll introduce it, Is there a brush you would recommend?

We live in hot, humid Florida. Mosquitoes are around all year.

Thanks for the happiness protocol. Will definitely check them out for both of us.

Are acupuncture and homeopathy compatible ?

with respect and gratitude,
Joe Inhavebworked with De Cooney, who was able to Restore reduced Kidney function with Homeopathy and i was also using Acupuncture simultaneously. He did say that Chinese Herbs can conflict with Homeopathy.

Have you had food allergy testing?
So great you will be working with Dr. Cooney for homeopathy.
Before your appointment you can learn a lot about homeopathy by reading all the links in this section on homeopathy as well as doing a search in the forum section and the main section. Focus on the evaluation of response sections.

Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs is an excellent book to help you understand the principles of health, illness and healing (chapters 2 & 3) as well as learn about homeopathy. Other books we list in the homeopathy section are also great. And you can go all in and take the courses I taught.

Download the Healthy Dog Journal and create the timeline and master symptom list as this will really help Dr. Cooney select the best homeopathic medicine with which to begin.

There is no right answer for using homeopathy along with TCVM when treating chronic problems. Different homeopathic veterinarians have different experience with them, so some say not to use and some are ok with some use. As with everything - it depends on the the individual animal and the disease progression.

All current and past symptoms, preferences, tendencies, oddities, etc are recorded (case taking), then the most characteristic ones are matched to one of the over 7,000 medicines that have been tested. The medicine is given, then EACH of the symptoms on that list are re-evaluated by you at home and by the homeopath on the follow-up appointment (be sure to have that scheduled). If, therefore, you give the remedy, then do a deep acupuncture treatment, it can be difficult to evaluate what changes are from the homeopathy. If a chinese herb has been soothing symptoms for awhile (or other treatments), most homeopaths will have you continue that as that is part of the baseline. The goal is to rebalance the vital force so no treatments need to be continued. Dr. Cooney may want you to stop the herbs as it seems as if they are not helping much, and it will depend on which herbs.

Guess I gave you a lot to chew on. Definitely focus on the happiness protocol, you thoughts and emotions and living in the moment with pure joy.

Dr. Christina
Hey Joe!
Is there a brush you would recommend?
Something soft and soothing may be best for starting to get used to being brushed. If she like's being pet, maybe even something like this:

Are acupuncture and homeopathy compatible ?
Yes! BUT. They can work against each other depending on who is interpreting the results from the treatment.

For example, a beneficial aggravation after giving a homeopathic remedy may be seen by an acupuncturist as something to treat. When actually it's just the opposite.

Many vet homeopaths prefer to avoid acupuncture at the same time. However, as Dr. Christina said, it depends...
Joe the thought of Yeast is coming to me. You live in a humid climate and that could create an issue. Just see if that fits. If so, Adored Beast has an excellent protocol of supplements called Yeasty Beasty. We got rid of Chronic Ear infections with it…and it took a while! Be patient and persevere.

Homeopathy is incredible when you get the right remedy! Dr Cooney is so kind and brilliant!

Keep a Journal with Dr Christina’s Pet Journal…it is amazing what reveals itself and there are great pearls of wisdom and resources in it!

Wishing you the Best!
Joe Inhavebworked with De Cooney, who was able to Restore reduced Kidney function with Homeopathy and i was also using Acupuncture simultaneously. He did say that Chinese Herbs can conflict with Homeopathy.

Have you had food allergy testing?
Hi Lauren,
Thanks so much for the information. Yes, I have had allergy testing. I’m glad I will be able to use acupuncture. I wonder if Western herbs will also be contraindicated.

So great you will be working with Dr. Cooney for homeopathy.
Before your appointment you can learn a lot about homeopathy by reading all the links in this section on homeopathy as well as doing a search in the forum section and the main section. Focus on the evaluation of response sections.

Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs is an excellent book to help you understand the principles of health, illness and healing (chapters 2 & 3) as well as learn about homeopathy. Other books we list in the homeopathy section are also great. And you can go all in and take the courses I taught.

Download the Healthy Dog Journal and create the timeline and master symptom list as this will really help Dr. Cooney select the best homeopathic medicine with which to begin.

There is no right answer for using homeopathy along with TCVM when treating chronic problems. Different homeopathic veterinarians have different experience with them, so some say not to use and some are ok with some use. As with everything - it depends on the the individual animal and the disease progression.

All current and past symptoms, preferences, tendencies, oddities, etc are recorded (case taking), then the most characteristic ones are matched to one of the over 7,000 medicines that have been tested. The medicine is given, then EACH of the symptoms on that list are re-evaluated by you at home and by the homeopath on the follow-up appointment (be sure to have that scheduled). If, therefore, you give the remedy, then do a deep acupuncture treatment, it can be difficult to evaluate what changes are from the homeopathy. If a chinese herb has been soothing symptoms for awhile (or other treatments), most homeopaths will have you continue that as that is part of the baseline. The goal is to rebalance the vital force so no treatments need to be continued. Dr. Cooney may want you to stop the herbs as it seems as if they are not helping much, and it will depend on which herbs.

Guess I gave you a lot to chew on. Definitely focus on the happiness protocol, you thoughts and emotions and living in the moment with pure joy.

Dr. Christina
Thanks Dr. Christina,

yes, you have given me tons of info to chew on and research to do. Guess I better get started. I’m all in with the happiness protocol and living in the moment with pure joy. Can’t get much better than that.
Thsnks so much,
Joe the thought of Yeast is coming to me. You live in a humid climate and that could create an issue. Just see if that fits. If so, Adored Beast has an excellent protocol of supplements called Yeasty Beasty. We got rid of Chronic Ear infections with it…and it took a while! Be patient and persevere.

Homeopathy is incredible when you get the right remedy! Dr Cooney is so kind and brilliant!

Keep a Journal with Dr Christina’s Pet Journal…it is amazing what reveals itself and there are great pearls of wisdom and resources in it!

Wishing you the Best!
Thanks again, I’m familiar with Adored Beasts protocols and use their products . I actually bought the yeasty beast protocol but held off on using it when I found out about homeopathy for pets.

Will be starting our new journey.

Hey Joe!

Something soft and soothing may be best for starting to get used to being brushed. If she like's being pet, maybe even something like this:

Yes! BUT. They can work against each other depending on who is interpreting the results from the treatment.

For example, a beneficial aggravation after giving a homeopathic remedy may be seen by an acupuncturist as something to treat. When actually it's just the opposite.

Many vet homeopaths prefer to avoid acupuncture at the same time. However, as Dr. Christina said, it depends...
Hi Dr. Jeff,
I appreciate the info on brushes. I got one and she seems to like it.

Yes, I’ll just wait and see about whats important to stick with and what Dr. Cooney suggests. The Chinese herbs don’t do much for her symptom, so Im not concerned about not using them. (Though my vet might be). The Adored Beast pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes and liver tonic have really been good for her digestion so I’m not sure if that will be considered a baseline. I am more concerned about taking them away.

Lots to learn. Trusting and listening in Presence will be important. And keeping that journal!
Thanks as always,
Hi Lauren,
Thanks so much for the information. Yes, I have had allergy testing. I’m glad I will be able to use acupuncture. I wonder if Western herbs will also be contraindicated.

JoeG, Idk, but you’re in excellent hands with Dr Cooney! He will know what to use.
He really helped create Miracles for us along with lots of all the wonderful things Holistic Actions advocates and teaches!
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