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Vestibular disease?


VIP Member
Nov 15, 2021
Fibi presented circling to the right last, not being able to stop and stumbling over and over all night until we finally got her to lay down. She seemed disoriented and her head was moving almost like she was reading from one side of a page to another as she was trying to settle. We feel it had to due with her diaper being too tight during the day. She also had seemed extra tired and slept all day without even going out for a potty break. At the end of the night when she was let out to due her business is when we noticed her circling, etc.
The next day--- we see she's somewhat better. Still wobbly but less so and no circling or head movements. She has an appt to see her vet.
Without seeing her, our animal communicator is saying it may be Vestibular disease and that she would benefit from medication bc it's a quality of life issue at this point...

Is there another way at this point?
More homeopathy or maybe a lot of body massage, laser, etc? I have been doing a lot of massage and stretching on her and it seems to help.
We don't have unlimited funds but is it possible to turn this around without meds?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Sheri!

It was nice getting to see you last night. In the chat you mentioned that you and Dr. Judy are talking soon. She'd be the best one to ask about further homeopathic medicines for Fibi.

Are Fibi's eyes darting from side to side or up and down (a common finding with geriatric vestibular syndrome)?
is it possible to turn this around without meds?
Where there's a life force and vitality/energy, there is the chance for some healing.

Meclizine is a common OTC anti-vertigo drug used to improve quality of life when the homeopathic medicines are not helping enough.



VIP Member
Nov 15, 2021
Thank you Dr. Jeff. It was a fantastic call. And seeing our "old" vet, Peter Dobias was super-cool!
Fibi's eyes are not darting back and forth or up and down. So now we feel strongly that it's neurological due to the diaper pressure, and spinal issues but we will make an official determination after all of Fibi's appts today with the vet, homeopath and chiropractor. She's a busy senior girl!
Much thanks

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