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Suki - Young cat with gingivitis/possibly stomatitis


Community Member
Dec 4, 2023
Hello, @Dr. Jeff & @Dr. Christina , @Dr. Jean Hofve
We recently adopted our cat, Suki, from the local shelter. The vet thinks she is about 7 months old. When we got her she had terrible ear mites, which were treated and have cleared up. The vet is concerned about the level of gingivitis in a cat this young. He says it might be stomatitis, which could lead to removal of her teeth.
In addition to brushing her teeth daily, we are giving her HomeoPet Purr Dental in her water, PlaqueOff powder in her food (1/2 scoop per day), Pet Wellbeing Healthy Gums, which contains goldenseal and other herbs, on her gums once per day. She eats Royal Canin Dental crunchies in addition to her wet food (Instinct and Merrick).
When we took these pictures to send, we realized that her gums do look a bit better than 2-3 weeks ago when we started this regimen.
  1. Your pet's name: Suki
  2. Approximate age: 7 months ?
  3. Sex: F
  4. Neutering status: Spayed
  5. Breed: Unsure, but possibly tabby point siamese
  6. Approximate weight: 7 lbs
  7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): At first, she was less active and more timid than a normal kitten (we have had her for 7 weeks). Now I would say she is a normal acting 7 month old kitty. Her energy level improved after the ear mites were cleared up. She is very sweet and gentle.
  8. Diet: One 3 oz can of Instinct or Merrick wet food and 1/2 cup of Royal Canin Dental crunchies per day
  9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication - She has been vaccinated for rabies and felv
  10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - Gingivitis - she had it when we adopted her.
  11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? No. We didn't notice it until our veterinarian pointed it out. Her mouth doesn't seem to hurt at all and she eats those dental crunchies without complaint. She also lets us brush her teeth pretty easily.
  12. IMG_7471.jpgIMG-9860.jpgIMG-9858.jpg
  13. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them)
  14. Current and previous treatment. See above.
  15. Other health concerns - Previously had ear mites. Also, I'm not sure how much to feed her. All my cats in the past were indoor/outdoor and self-regulating feeders. Suki will be an indoor cat and I don't want her to overeat. Once in awhile she meows for food before her regular feeding time but not often.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Christine, and welcome to HA!

Suki is beautiful, and she says that she's fine (despite any health challenges)!???

we are giving her HomeoPet Purr Dental in her water,
You may want t stop this one (see below for the reason why).

Homeopathic medicines and some other energetic treatments are ideally individualized based on the sum total of symptoms of each pet.

They are not based on a diagnosis or any particular symptom.

IMHO, the best approach are focusing on ways that build and balance the energy she needs to heal. Combination homeopathic remedies (like from HomeoPet) can do just the opposite.

Through cellular energy every part of her body will work optimally. This model of homeostasis (balance) is discussed a bit here:

A great place to start learning how to help her using our approach focused on energy is with the HA! 101 course. In it you'll learn about the importance of upgrading her diet and focusing on her happiness.

Perhaps after you go through it and watch some of the webinars (like from Anitra Frazier and the dental ones) then please post any specific questions you have.

BTW-Did the vet or shelter test for FIV or Bartonella?


Community Member
Dec 4, 2023
Thank you, Dr. Jeff,
The shelter tested for FIV and Suki was negative. I don't think they tested for Bartonella.

I do have another question that is unrelated. We are planning to fly with Suki in 10 days to see family for the holidays. I have never done this before with a pet and, of course, our veterinarian gave us gabapentin(?). I do not want to use that but I also don't want Suki to be completely stressed. I have an herbal chewy treat from Only Natural Pet that I am just trying with her this morning. Do you have any suggestions? We don't really want to leave her alone for two weeks with someone she doesn't know coming in to feed her. I'm thinking that would be more stressful for her at this point.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
YW Christine!
Do you have any suggestions?
Yes! Start now by leaving the carrier out and open to get her used to going into it. Maybe even feed her in it.

And consider using a Bach Flower essence like Stress Stopper if needed:

In my experience, many kitties do better with plane travel than car travel. However, @Dr. Jean Hofve may have other ideas (and other suggestions).


Community Member
Dec 4, 2023
Thank you!!??
I have another question.. I just got Covid for the first time and Suki cuddles right near my face at night. I’m not letting her do it now, but she was doing it when I was unknowingly coming down with it. Is there anything holistic I can do to prevent her getting Covid?

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Just the usual things that keep her healthy: good food, fun exercise, cuddles! Cats *can* get COVID but it's rare. Often it's been in zoo cats, who are obviously stressed to the max on a good day! A healthy cat with a good immune system is at no great risk.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Christine!

I'm sorry to hear about your covid symptoms.

As Dr. Jean said, it is super rare for a healthy kitty to have covid symptoms (not one exposed cat of an HA! member got sick from covid).

Here's the thread with lots of details about covid:



Community Member
Dec 4, 2023
Just the usual things that keep her healthy: good food, fun exercise, cuddles! Cats *can* get COVID but it's rare. Often it's been in zoo cats, who are obviously stressed to the max on a good day! A healthy cat with a good immune system is at no great risk.
Thank you! ??


Community Member
Dec 4, 2023
Hi Christine!

I'm sorry to hear about your covid symptoms.

As Dr. Jean said, it is super rare for a healthy kitty to have covid symptoms (not one exposed cat of an HA! member got sick from covid).

Here's the thread with lots of details about covid:

Thank you! ??

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're very welcome Christine!


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
@ChristineHu that is the greatest pictures of your kitty as well as those beautiful teeth! It made me think about how I bought myself a scientific model of a feline tooth set (clear plastic jaws and all) as I remember how fascinated I was to learn from my vet how much of a kitty's tooth is hidden under the gum like an iceberg! My kitties unfortunately have had tooth extractions over the years so I wanted to keep track. Also, I have used gabapentin for my kitties for a stressful car ride to the vet. It used to take me over an hour one way so I found using gabapentin helped calm them down. Recently, Dr. Jeff has shared about another drug called Bonqat (pregabalin) and I planned on calling my vet (a more local one I am starting to use) to see if they can prescribe it. I too prefer more natural treatments but will use prescriptions with my kitties just like myself if necessary. Also, I had a very bad case of COVID in Feb 2022, and my kitty Bella stayed right by my side. At this time, I hadn't heard of kitties getting COVID but I was concerned about her. She would not leave my side though. She never appeared to have symptoms but I know already before this she was showing signs of imbalance with drinking a lot of water (she now has kidney issues I am working on with the help and input of the HA! community). Welcome!

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