Online Course Registration

- Lesson 1. Introduction to BrightHaven
- Lesson 2. Definitions
- Lesson 3. Terminology
- Lesson 4. Understanding animal hospice
- Lesson 5. Animal hospice at BrightHaven and what makes it holistic
- Lesson 6. BrightHaven Menu for Healing
- Lesson 7. Care for the caregiver
- Lesson 8. Practicalities of holistic animal hospice care
- Lesson 9. Summary & Knowledge Check
Help your animal live well (and fully!) through the last breath!
Many pet parents and other animal lovers want to learn more about animal hospice in general – and holistic animal hospice care in particular – to help their loved ones live the best life possible each and every day. This course will help you do just that by:
- Exploring animal hospice in general, and its relation to human hospice
- Looking at misconceptions about pain and dying
- Delving into holistic animal hospice care at BrightHaven, including the BrightHaven Menu for Healing that’s designed to achieve an optimal state of balance at every life stage
- Learning how to care for the caregiver and why it’s important
- Showing you practicalities of holistic animal hospice care that you can apply right away
BrightHaven ( is a pioneer and leader in the ever-expanding field of animal hospice, and our experience with hospice-supported natural dying (we’ve been present at over 600 such deaths) is distinct and well known.
NOTE: This is an online video course. The lessons are accessed via your personal “my courses” section on You retain indefinite access to all the course material, so you can take however long you need to complete the course.

In addition to 8 detailed lessons followed by an interactive quiz to test your knowledge, you will receive the following 3 downloadable handouts:
- BrightHaven Menu for Healing – developed by following the wisdom of the animals and focusing on the best quality of life at all stages.
- BrightHaven Menu for Self-Care – shares ways you can care for the caregiver.
- BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice Practicalities – includes suggestions regarding feeding, setting up your home to best support your animal hospice patient, managing mobility and incontinence issues and more!
- You will be empowered to make informed decisions regarding your animal’s health and wellbeing.
- You will learn ways to promote your animal’s healing – defined as an optimal balance of body, mind and spirit.
- You will be equipped with practical ways to provide holistic animal hospice care.
- You will better understand what death is and what it is not.
- You may even have deeper acceptance of death, which may help you to live more fully!
Lesson 6. BrightHaven menu for healing
Lesson 9. Summary and knowledge check
Online Course Registration