THE Holistic Actions FOUNDATION
Created to help our four legged friends live their happiest, healthiest, and longest lives
The mission of the HA! Foundation is to educate and empower pet parents to help their companion animals live their best, healthiest, and happiest lives with One Health Medicine
The One Health paradigm, in conjunction with our Vitality & Balance model, is based on the truth that we are all connected. This paradigm is central to our mission, and draws from diverse fields that are currently divided. One Health insights applied to improving balance for pets, recognizes humans, animals, and the environment as integral pieces of a unified health equation. Learn more about One Health Medicine.

With your support we accomplish our mission by…
- Advancing the One Health Medicine Paradigm by delivering the world’s leading expertise, community support, and professional advice on holistic petcare.
- Integrating the Vitality & Balance System (VBS) into veterinary medicine to individualize care for pets
- Introducing pet guardians to natural healing methods that restore, increase, promote, and sustain vitality and balance
- Researching, verifying, and clinically applying effective yet gentle methods to protect animals from unnecessary and aggressive treatments and surgeries.
- Helping pet guardians feel confident they’re making the right healthcare choices for their pet using HA!’s Holistic Medical Decision Making method
- Translating (and reverse engineering) clinically proven approaches for optimizing every aspect of animals’ lives to cutting-edge research
The HA! Foundation Projects Include
- Ongoing mentoring scholarships to help pet parents keep their companions live healthier, happier, and better lives
- Research into ethno veterinary medicine (EVM) & integrating Ayurveda, individuality and molecular vitality
- Supporting and teaching those who work with rescue organizations and shelters to enhance the quality of life of the animals in their care

Many thanks to our generous supporters: members and donors.
You can support our mission by making a donation.
No contribution is too small.