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Water Consumption


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2019
Hello - I noticed my new rescue doesn't drink a lot of water - she probably drinks twice or at most 3 times per day. How much water does a 11lb pup should consume per day? She is not on any medications like Lasix and she is currently on fresh home-cooked diet (mostly steamed). Thank you.
Hullo, Christine!
Normal water intake is a wide range, and doesn't take into account the type of food. The value used is 50-80 ml / kg of body weight per day. Your pup is 11 pounds or 5 kg. That means she would need between 250 and 400 ml per day, which is 8.45 to 13.52 fluid ounces, or from 1 to 1.7 US cups.

Typically dogs on a fresh food diet drink less because the food is wet. Puppies also drink more than adults, and dogs drink more in hot weather to cool themselves.
Hope this helps,
Dr. Sara
Thanks so much @Dr. Sara :) Definitely helps a ton!

So, is it an EWS if she drinks (much) less than the minimum (1 cup?) :confused:
You will have to measure her consumption to know how much she is drinking, then you have to consider her consumption in light of the fact that she is eating a wet diet.
These normal values for water intake are obtained by measuring what confined dogs drink, and virtually all of those are on a processed kibble diet.
We don't worry about somewhat low water consumption in a dog on a wet diet with normal BEAM. Most diseases such as diabetes and kidney failure cause the dog to drink significantly more, not less. Water consumption is evaluated as part of the total picture.
Stay well,
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