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Teddy - cat - microbiome report questions


Community Member
Oct 29, 2022
My cat, Teddy, is a 13 ½ year old male neutered Maine Coon. I am trying to decide what he needs after his second microbiome report. I don't know why the sample was sent stating that he has no symptoms – that is incorrect. He has been and is still experiencing constipation. He scratches around his neck and ears and shakes his head. He has an area of seborrhea on the top of his tail about two inches from the base, and the fur around it is very greasy and sticky. He also has very low energy, but has recently begun to show some signs of improvement.

The first microbiome test was done at the end of March (it also stated he had no symptoms, but he had the same symptoms listed above), and as a result we gave him 30 days of Animal Biome's FMT capsules. Since he is still having symptoms, we just had another test done (results attached).

This second microbiome test is showing a high level of Clostridium perfringens, but he does not have diarrhea. It is also showing high levels of Clostridium Sensu Stricto 1 and Slackia; as well as missing Bacteroides, Prevotella 9, and a lot of other healthy bacteria. It is recommending adding S. boulardii and fiber. It is also suggesting Gut Cleanse, but that is for an overgrowth of E. coli, which he does not have.

He has been drinking raw goat milk for almost two weeks, and he loves it. A serving for his weight (18 pounds) is ¼ cup – would it be okay and beneficial if I gave him more?

Would another 30 days of FMT help him?

He will only eat less than one tablespoon of organic pumpkin per day. Dr. Stern is recommending Vetasyl – would that help him?

Dr. Jeff recommended Felix's Flora from Adored Beast. Teddy's vet (Dr. Linda Stern) isn't familiar with that, so she didn't give an opinion either way. However, I want to do what is best for Teddy and will restore his gut health.

I don't want to give him too many things at one time (should I give him fiber and a probiotic), but again, I am willing to give him what is best to make him healthy again.

Will you please help me decide which supplements and products will help restore Teddy's gut health?

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve


  • Microbiome Report - Healing Creatures - 06-19-2023.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 0
  • Summary Microbiome Report - Healing Creatures - 06-19-2023.pdf
    158.4 KB · Views: 0
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Hey Ruth!
Would another 30 days of FMT help him?
Dr. Stern is recommending Vetasyl – would that help him?
Possibly... As with almost all medical stuff, whether it will help depends on the individual...

As you said, the Felix's Flora is a great place to start. This probiotic is also worth trying (perhaps after a course of Felix):

Hello Ruth,
Hello Dr. Jeff and Dr.Christina,

My first reaction when I received Cleo latest Animal Biome report (June 6 sample collection) was a great disappointment. After 2 rounds of the fecal replacement treatment her clostridia perf level was much higher than in the previous test report (March 30 sample ) and 4 times higher then the normal range as well as the absence of many good bacteria in her microbiome. Cleo’s gut microbiome was much healthier and more diverse in the March sample though she still had diarrhea and occasional blood in the stool.

Now for more than a month and a half she poops once a day with the healthy looking stool with no visible blood or even the traces of blood in her stool but the microbiome report is much worse. She has a healthy appetite and behaves as a happy and playful herself (especially now when she got a playmate, 15 weeks Havanese puppy).

How these discrepancies be explained?

i decided not to test her at least for next 6 month. I ordered Adorned Beast Felix’s Flora. I will continue Ion Gut Support and digestive enzymes. What else can I do?

is it possible to discuss the disparity between the ‘scientific’ data from the report and my subjective observation in the HA webinar tomorrow?

Thank you very much for your support.
Elena Dinets.
Hi Elena!

I'm sorry to hear about your initial disappointment but the feeling is actually a great teacher IMHO.
How these discrepancies be explained?
Great question! There is frequently a discrepancy between the reality of how a pet (or person) feels and the test results.

The former is often a better indicator of overall health. And the test abnormalities often "spontaneously" correct given tincture of time and high BEAM.

The primary function of "abnormal" test results, symptoms, names of dis-eases and diagnoses seems to be to increase our anxiety about deciding what to do in order to correct them.

I think that focusing on BEAM which is informed by the test results and symptoms is more helpful.
i decided not to test her at least for next 6 month. I ordered Adorned Beast Felix’s Flora. I will continue Ion Gut Support and digestive enzymes. What else can I do?
That depends on what you're feeding, lifestyle and whether you're already working with a vet homeopath.
is it possible to discuss the disparity between the ‘scientific’ data from the report and my subjective observation in the HA webinar tomorrow?
Thank you Dr. Jeff.

At this point I’m working with TCM vet only. Cleo is on the home cooked diet (about 95% of the baked dark turkey meat with a small amount of the cooked pumpkin, pear, kidney beans, spinach and barley). I’m supplementing the home cooked with a freeze dry meats and organs. She likes fowls and the rabbit and refuses to eat the salmon and the beef. I’m trying without any success so far to transition her to the raw food.
YW Elena!
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