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Sneezing turned snort sneeze


Community Member
Jun 24, 2021
My cat is about 6 years old and is both an indoor and outdoor cat. A couple of months ago, he had a bite wound on his tail. We worked with Dr. Judy Herman to avoid using antibiotics, but eventually, they were necessary for his recovery. Since this wound, he hasn’t quite been the same.

Previously, he preferred being outside rather than indoors. However, after his recovery, he started staying indoors all day, sleeping a lot more. He only asks to go outside at night around 10 PM and returns by 7 AM. During the day, he stays home, sleeps, and overgrooms, which I believe is due to itching or anxiety. This overgrooming has been an issue for about a year, and he’s licked off a lot of fur from his belly & legs.

Despite these changes, he had a good appetite and was playful. However, on June 21st, he came home with what seems a bit like greasy fur and a flea infestation. He had about 6-10 fleas on him, and I panicked and gave him Capstar as prescribed by the vet. I think it was the next day he started sneezing, well I’m unsure if this was before or after the Capstar. By June 26th, his sneezing had turned into what sounds like a congested, snort-like sneeze.

I’m concerned and feel he needs to be seen by a vet. I prefer holistic treatment but am unsure if I can get an appointment with a holistic vet soon enough, so I might need to take him to our local vet. What are your thoughts? Could this be a side effect of Capstar? If so, can this get better? Is it life-threatening? I wonder if this is an adverse reaction or longer-lasting side effects for him.

I’ve started adding Vimergy Barley Grass Juice Powder, Micro-C, Vitamin B12, and a little bit of zinc to his food. He eats Darwin’s raw food. I regret not giving him a bath instead of the pill, especially since I prefer holistic treatments, but I panicked due to the flea infestation. It’s not easy making decisions for other living beings sometimes. 🙏🏼😞

Thank you so much for your support and guidance.

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Barbara @Dr. Sara

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Yes, it is always easy to panic. Since he does still go outdoors, be sure to read the Fleas Be Gone ebook and do a search in the forum for all the success others have had with minimizing fleas. Experiment with flea combs to have one he does not mind and groom every day he does go outdoors.

Getting fleas, and any other symptoms, is an indication of an imbalanced vital force, so focus (as you are with the supplements) on building his health and vitality. Happiness and play are key. As often as possible, play with him to keep him occupied and active during the day. Also try ways to have him be happy indoors at night rather than roaming. Continue to work with Dr. Judith so his rebalanced vital force with resolve the congestion, sneezing and skin issues. Encouraging sniffing would be great. Does he love fish or sardines? Maybe hold one (or a plate of time) near him and move it like a live animal for him to chase. Or even hide some Darwins for him to look for.

For everyone with a virtual homeopath, even if you go to the vet (to get the Capstar, for instance), report all the symptoms that led you to the local vet.

Definitely read the July HA newsletter on rotating foods and offering a lot of different proteins and other foods rather than feeding just one brand.

"I’m concerned and feel he needs to be seen by a vet. I prefer holistic treatment but am unsure if I can get an appointment with a holistic vet soon enough, so I might need to take him to our local vet. What are your thoughts? Could this be a side effect of Capstar? If so, can this get better? Is it life-threatening? I wonder if this is an adverse reaction or longer-lasting side effects for him."

First, you were not sure the sneezing was before or after the Capstar. When ever it started, it would be a symptom to be working with Dr. Judith. Your comfort level is important - if you go to the local veterinarian, carefully evaluate what they want you to do for testing or or give for treatment.

When you ask if "IT" can get better - all the symptoms can improve or completely resolve when the vital force is balanced, regardless of the cause (imbalance caused by the Capstar reaction, or from the abscess, or an unknown cause).

Dr. Christina


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Just want to say that the above is a terrific answer! This is a "textbook" case for a disturbed vital force, and should be, can I say, fun - for the homeopath and us - to watch unravel. IMO there's nothing immediately life-threatening about any of these symptoms. Please do follow up, and let us know how he does. Lucky you, and doubly lucky HIM.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Anna!
I might need to take him to our local vet. What are your thoughts?
If you're worried about him, a vet visit can help add context such as an exam. Then you'll know that you're not missing anything.

Could this be a side effect of Capstar?
It's possible, but not as likely as the energetic imbalance that Dr. Christina mentioned.

If so, can this get better?
Is it life-threatening?
Probably not (that's where the vet exam may help).

Personally, I've never seen a cat (or dog) with a life-threatening physiologic reaction to Capstar.

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