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Raw cat food


Community Member
Nov 5, 2024
My kittens name is Chicago, she is 7 months old and not yet neutered. She is a russian blue and weighs about 6.5 pounds. Her BEAM is good I just have a question about food. We have been feeding her VivaRaw specifically the cat food. I noticed she's getting bored with it and not wanting it so I decided to try the VivaRaw Pure just so she could have something different. I'm wondering if adding in supplementation is necessary or if I'm able to just give her the food as is? I occasionally give her the brand Steves Real Food to change it up for her but VivaRaw has been her main food source. I have looked into SmallBatch but can't find shipping in my area. Is there any other clean brands I could buy from just to give her some variety in taste/flavor? I saw someone recommended AllProvide however, their food says it needs to be lightly cooked so I'm confused if I could still give it to her raw?

If supplementation is necessary for the Pure food, is there a brand you recommend?

Thank you!
Hey Cayla!
I'm wondering if adding in supplementation is necessary
If you're varying the Pure with their complete, as well as other foods, then no. If you're just using the Pure for weeks at a time, then add:

For every 1 lb of Viva, add:

Or use a supplement like Alnutrin.

any other clean brands
If you're looking for raw foods that ship, then I don't know tho @Dr. Jean Hofve might. If you are looking for good brands that are available in pet stores, then your best bet is to first find out what's available.

AllProvide however, their food says it needs to be lightly cooked so I'm confused if I could still give it to her raw?

I don't see why not. And the company looks super interesting and the farms they source from sound good.

Maybe reach out to them and ask why they recommend cooking (especially since there is bone in their recipes) and see what kind of "vibe" you get.

BTW-If Chicago is already starting to get picky it might be a good time to start working with a vet homeopath (if you're not doing so already).
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