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Pureed raw vegetables?


Dec 18, 2023
I have read all the diet and nutrition articles, but I am still undecided about pureed raw veggies vs cooking them or steaming them. It would seem there would be more nutrients in raw pureed, but I have always been told that dogs cannot digest raw veggies period.
Happy New Year Penny!
more nutrients in raw pureed
Yes, there are!

However, some dogs are so digestively challenged that lightly cooking/steaming works better for them.

It all depends on the individual.
I steamed *and* pureed for my dog and cats. Pureeing releases many nutrients, but it doesn't get down to the cellular level. Steaming probably does more to break down tough plant cell walls. If your dog is small enough for it to be practical, Earth's Best organic baby foods are a great option for getting veggies into them.
Thanks. I can purée and steam. Baby food a good idea, but I have a German shepherd. Do you feed fruits at all? Puréed and steamed??
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