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Positive Psychology for Pets and People

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi @everyone-

One other way to activate natural healing mechanisms for our pets is by promoting their happiness.

We can do this in two ways.

First is sometimes easier said than done, but try being happy yourself. Fortunately, one great way to do this, is to pet and play or meditate with your pets!

The new field of positive psychology also has many other tools to teach us.

Dr. Seligman's wonderful interview below is chock full of great info. about the field he started:

I was struck by how similar his words and this approach are like the vitality and balance approach to preserving your pets' health instead of focusing on dis-eases.

We often talk about building balance to increase resilience in pets. This can decrease risk of infection, harm from toxins and vaccines, etc.

In the same way, positive psychology promotes happiness as a way to combat depression, anxieties, fears, neuroses, etc.

Here's the interview audio:

The second is to help your pets do whatever they love.

What that is will depend on the individual and can be anything from eating higher value foods and treats (which are usually fresh and raw foods) to eating raw meaty bones, playing their favorite games, going for walks and hikes in nature, playing fetch with catnip toys, chomping on silvervine (which is like catnip), etc.
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