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Pancreatitis, gall bladder and possible FIP


VIP Member
Jun 20, 2022
Addy is an 11 month old kitten and was rescued when she was about two months old. I noticed from the beginning that she did not eat much. She did not even want kitten milk. We had to change her food every other day. She would eat for maybe one or two days and then have an aversion to that food. After her first vet appointment, receiving her first vaccines, she became very lethargic and did not eat. A week later she vomited a tapeworm. I brought her back to the vet for a second appointment and discussed that I did not want her to have any more vaccines. She was treated for her parasite. She continue to have aversion to food. I thought she had irritable bowels so I changed her food to find one that would suit her.
When she was six months old she was spayed and received her rabies vaccine. She also had a dose of Convenia. This is when her problems really started. She had explosive diarrhea and vomiting. But I chalked it up to everything that she just went through and her antibiotic. After losing weight, not eating and having many days of vomiting, I took her back to the vet. Bloodwork revealed jaundice, elevated white blood cells, elevated liver enzymes and elevated pancreas enzymes. She was sent to a specialist and they thought she might have FIP. So for the past month I have been giving her the GS medication by mouth. She also was on antibiotics and a steroid. She did respond somewhat. She at least started eating and keeping her food down. After a month, blood work was rechecked. Her liver enzymes improved, but her pancreas enzymes did not. They actually worsened, the numbers are close to 3000 and the normal high is 500.
Has anyone seen this before?
Can you recommend any supplements?
I feed her wild caught salmon and pasture raised chicken, with a little bit of sweet potato or rice.
Any other recommendations?



Dear Dee,
The lipase test is horribly inaccurate in dogs and cats. All it signifies is intestinal inflammation. The test that would actually indicate a pancreatic problem is based on pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, and (along with pancreatitis) is described in this article: https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951457

The high white blood cell count certainly indicates inflammation, though that may be intestinal, pancreatic, or liver. There are supplements to support the liver, like milk thistle and SAM-e. There are demulcent herbs to soothe the intestines. Homeopathy can address all of these conditions: irritable bowel, pancreatic inflammation, and liver inflammation. It would be best to work with an holistic provider (vet homeopath or vet skilled in acupuncture and herbal medicine), as your kitty has multiple manifestations that are likely resulting from a basic imbalance. It would also be good to get an accurate diagnosis of her problem with appropriate testing.
I hope this is helpful,
Dr. Sara
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