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New Puppy and Tick Bites




I just joined your forum after hearing about you through Anthony William. We just adopted a 9 week old puppy and have found 2 ticks on him already! I have been giving him 1 tbs of celery juice, b-12 zinc and he is eating raw.  Wondering about safe prevention and what else is would be helpful to support his young immune system as a result of the tick bites. Also I live in South Salem NY can you recommend a practitioner?

Thank you,


Hey Robin-

Thanks so much for joining us.

I know we emailed about this privately yesterday and today, and thank you for posting as well.

As you know from Anthony, celery juice has some awesome properties.

Especially the "Big V".

That is, Vitality.

Would you share how you make and give Pano the celery juice?

And maybe you can write a bit about the other reasons that Anthony says to drink it (for us).

Regarding ticks and resistance to TBD (Tick-borne Dis-eases), your very best bet for your pup is to "put success in your way".

In other words, do everything possible to build and preserve Pano's vitality. Doing so will increase his natural resistance to Lyme, Parvo, Distemper, etc.

And high vitality and strong internal balance will help insure a happy and long life of great quality.

There's lots more to say about health, freedom and new puppy care.We'll discuss much more over the next few months.

Especially internal and external socialization.

For now though, you can socialize and balance his microbiome by feeding a wide variety of foods.

And socialize his brain and behavior by exposing him to a wide variety of places, people, experiences, etc.

You can read more about behavior and training in the brain and behavior course and elsewhere in the member area (check out any videos or text from dog trainer and faculty member Jennifer Bridwell).

Jen also has a great training book in the Everything series called "<a href="https://amzn.to/2Ihj3nG">The Everything Dog Obedience Book".</a>

Regarding any vet homeopath near S. Salem? You're chatting with one right now!

Seriously though, you can also consult a full referral guide by clicking or tapping <a href="http://theavh.org/referral-search-advanced/">here</a>.

Dr. Jeff
what about the question of tick bites??? I just pulled a swollen one off Murphy's face which means I missed it in my tick check yesterday :confused:... Apis?... and what dose for a 35 lb pup? Thank you!!
Hi Dana-

Thanks for posting your question here.

Regarding the specific tick bite question I replied with the Vitality discussion because pups with high Vitality also have active immune systems that do their job of destroying any Lyme (or other) organisms before they trigger a problem.

The exception is when this normal immune surveillance function is overwhelmed by large umbers of organisms such as when they get many Borrelia-carrying ticks or during an epidemic.

The vast majority of tick bites do not trigger a problem.

However mindful prevention with twice daily tick checks and spraying red tick-bite areas with Path-Away is a good idea (I'll write a separate post about PA).

Regarding your specific Apis question, I say good work!

Proactive dosing after an acute stress, like Apis after a bite or Arnica after an injury, is a great way to help maintain balance.

Were there any indications for Apis (swelling, redness, pain) aside from the bite?

Ledum is a homeopathic medicine often indicated right after a bite or puncture.

Dosing is not based on weight, so Murphy's dose would be the same as a 110 pound full grown Berner.

Pellets are great for acute emergencies, but homeopathic medicines often work better in water (especially when they are repeated).

To dose in water, add 1 pellet to 1 cup of bottled/filtered water and from this cup give 1 tsp. (or dip a Q-Tip in the solution and just touch it to the gums for sensitive pets such as those with allergies).

For possible Lyme exposure, save this cup and 1 hour later succuss* it 10x and redose. Same thing an hour after that.

In more acute situations, such as sudden swelings after a bug bite or after injuries, repeat every 15 miutes until you see an eeffect.

Does this make sense to you?

*You can succuss the cup by banging it down 10x on the counter to agitate the water and energize the remedy.
this does make sense.... there was swelling which went down shortly after I gave the remedy. I was able to just give him the pellets but next time I will dilute them. Thank you!
You're welcome Dana.
Welcome Alice. Great question!

Until the water gets cloudy.
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