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Nail bed infection?


Community Member
Oct 23, 2018
Good morning and happy Sunday. One of my Salukis came in with a few drops of blood on a back paw (nail bed area) yesterday. I cleaned it, soaked it in epsom salt soak and ut a little colloidal silver on it but wasn't; really able to se what it was. This am the nail bed is swollen and has she yellow/red, so my thought is something got stuck up in there while running (grass was moved so maybe grass etc). I gave her sedum and soaked it again and reapplied colloidal silver. It was warm to the touch and she has been licking it. It was slightly warm up towards the hock, but only the toe swollen at the base (not the foot or leg). I am going to soak again in sea salt and reapply colloidal silver or betadiene. Any suggestions appreciated. If I can figure out how to upload picture I will...
Actually I think it was warm after soaking because the water was warm...not sure...is not warm now.
First, as of course you know, Cassandra, is not to worry. I am assuming BEAM is fine (though maybe less active d.t. sensitive to pain!

I would soak in hypericum solution (or hyper/cal) and give a 200 c or 1 M (or 30c several times) as it is great for pain and infection in nerve rich areas, injuries, etc.

maybe do some energy healing. :)

Dr. Christina
Thank you for replying...when she had the reaction to the antibiotic I kind of temporarily forgot about the toe infection. We are a week out fro the injury...I did hypericum first few days...I did sedum the night it happened as their was a small puncture. Now doing epsom salt soaks and spraying frequently with 2.5 hypoChlorous water. Infection persists but BEAM is otherwise great and today she wanted to engage with her toys. There seems to be no pain but is swelling and redness. Vet friend who visited today suggested antibiotic (Cephalexin since she possibly reacted to the Clavacillin. I did start on the herbal tincture from Amber Tech (Vibactra Plus...Olive leaf, Pão de Arco etc blend) though it expired in 2021 (ordered a new one). Took off the weekend to just be with her, spray the foot, do energy work, and chill on the deck in the sun. Hard to tell if it looks better...tI think yes, because not hot and not oozing anything; the toe is pretty big around the nail area...
Great to spend the W/E with her!

As long as the BEAM is great, be patient, keep your thoughts positive, probably avoid conventional drugs.

This is an example of where learning an energy modality can be very useful.
Dr. Christina
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