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My indoor/outdoor kitty lost his appetite 2 days ago. Could it be from Revolution flea medicine or catching mice?


Community Member
Jun 24, 2021

My kitty stopped eating 2 days ago but he is purring and comes to his food but can't eat anything. I made him some chicken broth today and he had a good amount one time. He spent more time indoors than he usually does because he may not be feeling well. He has been on Revolution flea medicine for 3 months now. This is the first time he has displayed any symptoms like this. He recently brought home a mouse in his mouth twice. Can it be from the mice? He was a feral but has been sleeping at my house and now an indoor/outdoor cat so its still hard to give him meds or capture. him to put him in a carrier for the vet. Any thoughts are helpful. THANK YOU!
Hey Anna!

Probably not from carrying the mice. Do you know if he is he eating any as well?

When was his last dose of Revolution?

That's great that he ate/drank the broth! You might also want to ask your vet to run a liver test if he has not eaten anything else (even a few bites) other than this.

Some cats are super sensitive to not eating and can even develop liver dis-ease.

Purring is a great sign as long as he looks happy (not anxious or stressed) when he purrs. How's his BEM (BEAM without the A)?
Hello Dr. jeff,

His last dose was Dec. 6th. I gave him the two supplements Dr. Judy Herman recommended for a week to help clear it.

I’ve seen him carry the two mice in his mouth. One of them looked fresh and it was cut and bloody by Junior’s bite, but the second one looked like it had been dead for a little while cause it was stiff looking and I didn’t see blood.

It sounds like he needs to be seen by the vet. This will be hard to get him in a carrier. ;( He ate last night after not eating all day. Will see if he eats anything tonight. He only wanted broth once today.

It’s a happy purr vibe but he also spent more time inside resting today.

I have some appetite stimulant the vet gave my other cat. It’s a little cream you put on the inside of the ear. I was wondering if I should give him a small dose of this tonight so he can eat?

Thank you!!

I appreciate your prompt response.

YW Anna!

1. Did his eating change before or after the 12/6 Revolution dose?

2. Do you mix any of the supplements in with his food?
Hello Dr. jeff.

Yes, his eating changed the last 2 days so post the Revolution dose (3rd month). He still has energy to play, run and climb trees. He purrs and is interested in eating but then doesn’t. He did dinner the first night his eating changed. Last night I gave him a dose of appetite stimulant on the inside of his eat and it helped him eat dinner. He ate a little bit this morning, too. Not certain if it’s because the medicine is still in his system. I will monitor to see how it goes. He brought home another mouse today. ??‍♀️ He’s trying to meet his monthly quota or something!

I usually give him two drops of zinc, two drops of vitamin B 12, and 4 to 7 drops of liposomal vitamin C. But when he stopped having an appetite I stopped giving those supplements.

If you’re asking about the two supplements that Dr. Judy Herman Prescribed to help clear the revolution from the system, I followed her instructions. She said to mix the two supplements in the food. All three cats have been tolerating this well. You only give it for a week each time you start a new dose every month.

Thank you very much, Dr. Jeff.
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