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Merging/Introducing New Dogs!


Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff

My Brother in Law just married and they have 7 Dogs combine, all rescues!!!

The biggest Dog Brodie was barking, snarlingly and had the lil Dog Scooter on his back and was going for his throat! Thank God not damage and I was there! Scooter kissed me foer the first time in 3 years after saving him!

I told Brodie No and that was not allowed if he wants to live in this House. I separated Brodie and told him that was bad. I also told him teeth are for eating and only used in a life and death situation! He gave mw the big 8’m sorry eyes with his head down.

We gave Jackson Galaxy Stess Stopper to all the Dogs prior to the move and will continue! I’m thinking Brodie may need Bully Stopper too!

One Dog is quite nervous and paces and won’t settle. I need to work with her. She may need Safe Space flower essence.

i used 5 Flower essence in the Home.

I will do some communication and energy healing with all of them.

I did a House clearing while the people were on their honeymoon and 2 Entities left!

There are Doggie Gates & a Fence to divide the yard with separate Doggie Doors.

My sense is Brodie is the largest Dog and Wood element and wants to be the Boss. Scooter is Fire or Water and so easy going and never provokes. He was attacked and had to have surgery from a Dog sitters Dog attacking him and she said Scooter did nothing!

What can we do to help these Dogs adjust to a new Home, and other Dogs having 5 new Dogs & a new person in their Home?

How can we keep then safe? Is separating the best approach especially in the beginning?

Thanks everyone for any tips!
Ouch! This is a challenging situation. Hopefully tho, tincture of time will help the household rebalance.
What can we do to help these Dogs adjust to a new Home, and other Dogs having 5 new Dogs & a new person in their Home?
Perhaps lots of group dog walks. IMHO, this can be a great moderating influence both when they are out sniffing together, and when they come home.

Also, maybe associate Bodie's favorite thing in the world with Scooter, e.g playing a fun game, or giving a special treat only when Scooter is part of the scene (watching from a safe distance).

The idea being to associate the fun with Scooter's presence.
How can we keep then safe? Is separating the best approach especially in the beginning?.
Yes. Separate might be safest for now especially when no one is around and whenever food, toys or other high-value resources are involved.

The flower essences you mentioned are great, and maybe Dr. Jean and @Dr. Christina have other suggestions.
Absolutely separate "Mr Too Big for his Britches" when not directly supervised. Bully Remedy would be perfect to incorporate but continue Stress Stopper since it also likely involves fear. Lots of extra exercise for him alone will also chill him out a bit and reduce the predator drive. Nervous Dog might be better for the shy one, if you can't directly attribute it to the environment (was she always that way vs now she's worried), but call Jackson's company directly and they can advise you.
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