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Making decisions - how do you do it?


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
Good Monday morning, all! I was thinking this morning...why not bring it to the group because I am sure I'm not the only one. I've posted about my kitty Bella who has kidney dis-ease since I joined HA! last month. This morning I was thinking about not just taking what one vet says as gospel, and HA! has opened my eyes to the many ways of looking at our beloved pets conditions.

I don't want to put pressure on myself by asking myself what the "right" choice is, rather, maybe I should look at it as the "best" choice at the moment?

My question is: how do you make a decision when you are not sure which way to turn and don't want to mess things up for your pet? I have read through the initial new member 101 materials but I would still like to dive deeper in real time on this philosophical question! ?
Great discussion, Daysha.

Definitely read more about HMDM and also give yourself time to slowly shift your perspective.

There is no Right Answer. As you are realizing there is no Right Expert. Just as there is no right diet, no right vaccine decisions, no right exercise program.

One of the benefits and challenges of being a Holistic Actions member is that you hear from expert speakers with different opinions. Many other membership sites are only one person's opinion.

HMDM step one is to set a goal - emergency to the vet, soothe a symptom, go for vitality & balance. Step two is research and the most important research is your animal's symptoms - now and in the past. the journal helps with that.
HA! gives lots of input. Your vet (hopefully a holistic one which is key to long term health) has more input, but no more important than your observations. Your research may give you conflicting answers - vegan diet, keto diet, raw, cooked, etc. Step three is to pause, review, digest your info and then, as you asked, make a decision as to what to do next. Take that action, then evaluate your animal's response to see if it is helping with the goal you set. Repeat HMDM as often as needed.

The long term goal is joy, happiness, fun, quality of life, regardless of how many years or months an individual lives in this life on this planet. Healing includes a good death, and we have many speakers on this topic as well.

The perspective to have is that your animals, or plants, etc, will show you if this was a good choice. Vet diagnostics may also sometimes be needed as well.

Let us know if this helps.
Please, community members chime in. How are you doing with being in charge of health decisions for your animals? What had you shift from "my decisions can harm my pet" to "my pet will let me know when to make different choices and loving is the biggest key. " "There is no right and wrong."

Dr. Christina
how do you make a decision when you are not sure which way to turn and don't want to mess things up for your pet?
Yay! Thanks for asking this important question Daysha.

As Dr. Christina said, going through the HMDM for each health challenge and question is key. I have included the HMDM summary report in this thread.

And I would add that "following the energy" and always trying to improve Bella's BEAM and happiness is most important.


  • HMDM 2023.pdf
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YW Daysha!
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