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Looking for dog trainer who boards


Community Member
Nov 9, 2020
Does anyone have a suggestion for a dog trainer who boards and does intensive training for a dog with fear-based aggression? In the CT. area? Thank you!
I do not know, maybe Dr. Jeff will.

Have you had a chance, Lynn, to take the 101 course? And to listen to the many experts we have had present webinars about anxiety (especially Dr. Ed with WEBB), fear based aggression and more? Several intuitives have also spoken, and Robyn spoke about the benefits of Tellington T touch. Many of these speakers also do virtual consulting and have tons of videos on their sites.

Most agree the poor results are often had when dogs are boarded with trainers.

Also, homeopathic veterinarians have had great success helping with aggressive dogs. Sometimes it is an underlying energy imbalance, so in addition to understanding your dog's language and improving the relationship, this step is needed.

Dr. Christina
Hi Lynn!

I'm sorry to hear about your pup's fear aggression. My new pup Maya was in the same situation.

The Happiness Protocol, homeopathy and a behaviorist are making a huge difference.

I concur with Dr. Christina that most board and train situations are less than optimal.

Where are you in CT?

Here in Weston, Aubrey has been working with Maya and is wonderful. She also works virtually:

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