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Looking for a frozen raw food without apple cider vinegar


Jun 30, 2023
I was looking at small batch pets raw dog food but noticed one of the ingredients is apple cider vinegar, which I don't want to use. Has anyone used Rawdogfood and co? They don't have the good supplements in the food like small batch but at least no ACV. Rawdogfood and co offers food with or without ground bone in it. thoughts on raw dog food and co and yes to ground bone or should I avoid? Raw-Some Balanced Raw Diets For All Dog Life stages Raw Dog Company Dog Food
Hi Emily
I’ve been using Soul’y Raw. They offer variety of meat with organs, muscle meat, and bone. They prepare as per your order so it’s fresh. No additives at all. I’ve been feeding Soul’y Raw last 4 years. No complaints. My cats love it. They are located in San Diego CA and Chandler AZ. They might have limitations where they can ship but you might want to check it out?
Hi Emily
I’ve been using Soul’y Raw. They offer variety of meat with organs, muscle meat, and bone. They prepare as per your order so it’s fresh. No additives at all. I’ve been feeding Soul’y Raw last 4 years. No complaints. My cats love it. They are located in San Diego CA and Chandler AZ. They might have limitations where they can ship but you might want to check it out?
Thank you so much. I will check them out!
Hi Emily!

The Raw-some food looks very interesting!

I'd love to know more about the practices used on the farms they source from.

The only info. on their site that I could find are the words "Ethical & Sustainable".

Perhaps you can learn more from them or their vet Dr. Judy Jasek.

Also, have you checked out the home delivery raw food Viva? They're offering HA community members a 25% discount off their first order and only use family farms with "humane" practices.

The discount code is vitality.
One key is to be sure you are rotating foods, and offering real food from local farmers or stores. This is important because companies change, go out of business, or their sources are eliminated. Or your dog may develop an aversion to a particular ingredient.

Also, every meat, vegetable and formulation has a different amino acid, vitamin and mineral profile.

And if you begin to work with a homeopathic veterinarian, knowing which real foods are loved and detested can help in remedy selection.

Variety is really the key to life for all of us.

Dr. Christina
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