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Intestinal Inflammation from parasites


Community Member
Oct 15, 2017
My kitty, Miiler, a 13-14-year-old domestic with short hair, was diagnosed yesterday with intestinal inflammation due to parasites. His blood work on Saturday confirmed both his liver and kidney functions are good. I was given a treatment of NexGard Combo by my vet plus a prescription for Gabapentin. Not being able to find any definitive information regarding natural treatment for internal parasites, I caved and administered the NevGard. Searching through various Forum threads I could not find any info regarding treatment for the inflammation and pain. I would prefer not to give the Gabapentin and was wondering if anyone can give any insight into natural alternatives to Gabapentin. Thanks.
Hi Bonnie!

I'm sorry to hear about Miller's pain.

What are his symptoms, his BEAM, his history, diet, etc.?

Which intestinal parasites does he have?

In the hierarchy of potentially harmful drugs, gabapentin is pretty benign. Tho of course it does not address the underlying cause for the energetic imbalance which is leading to the abnormal inflammation and pain.
Hi Dr Jeff. Miller has been healthy for the past 12 years. His diet is primarily commercial cat food as well as chicken and fish which I cook for all the cats. His appetite has always been good up to the last 4 days. He is more quiet than usual now, and his energy is low, although he has never been a high-energy cat, his energy is lower than normal (for him) His appetite began to diminish 4 days ago (Thursday of last week) and he began showing signs of significant pain. I took him to the vet on friday morning and blood work was done. His kidney and liver function are good but he did show signs of inflammation. The vet told me the inflammation is just under his thorax. He was treated with IV fluids to rehydrate him and pain meds. The vet did not say what type of parasite he has. The mirtazapine the vet gave me, is a drug usually used for depression or so I understand and I wonder why the vet prescribed this (it costs a fortune!) and how this drug will help.
I am not clear why NexGard was given for internal parasites. I think it is to prevent fleas andt ticks. @Dr. Jeff?
Bonny, I forget, do you have a veterinary homeopath on your health care team? The pain meds, of course, are only a bandaid, so treating the underlying ENERGETIC IMBALANCE is the very next step needed.

Start now with all the happiness protocols, dancing, singing, etc. soothing foods, maybe some marshmallow root. Maybe an animal communicator who also does energy healing, etc. Love.

Dr. christina
showing signs of significant pain
In what way? Isolating, painful when touched, restless, etc?
I wonder why the vet prescribed this
HA! Why do vets or docs prescribe any expensive drug?! Because they might help. In Miller's case it was probably prescribed for appetite stimulation.

Miller's appetite has returned without the use of Mirtazapine, and thankfully, my vet agreed to refund me the cost of this medication. I returned the unopened box to the clinic. I used the Nexgard, although I question how much I actually got on the cat's skin. He appears to be much more comfortable in terms of pain level. I identified the pain he was in last week by his demeanour (almost immobile) and body posture, sleeping with his legs curled under him and nose almost on the floor. I have an app on my phone called the Feline Grimace Measure and I find this app somewhat useful in determining pain levels. Overall, Miller seems to be almost his normal self (quiet, withdrawn and somewhat of a loner) He is enjoying his food again. Going forward, I will not allow him to eat bits of raw ground beef, pork, and raw chicken. He is usually my supervisor when I am cooking these and manages to scarf down some stolen pieces before I can catch him. He is an adept thief!

My vet, while a very good one, is not much into holistic treatment options but respects my wishes not to overmedicate.
I am not clear why NexGard was given for internal parasites. I think it is to prevent fleas andt ticks. @Dr. Jeff?
Bonny, I forget, do you have a veterinary homeopath on your health care team? The pain meds, of course, are only a bandaid, so treating the underlying ENERGETIC IMBALANCE is the very next step needed.

Start now with all the happiness protocols, dancing, singing, etc. soothing foods, maybe some marshmallow root. Maybe an animal communicator who also does energy healing, etc. Love.

Dr. christina
Thanks Dr. Christina. Soothing foods are the order of the day and petting, brushing, and ear scratches are also on the menu. The cats hate my singing voice as I sound like a croaking frog at best! I wondered about the NexGard and I would be happier giving him an herb for his internal parasites. I use Wormwood for the humans in our family, but it is toxic to kitties. Would the marshmallow root be a better option for him?

Unfortunately, there is no homeopathic vet in the city. The closest holistic vet is in Cancun, a 4 hour drive from Merida.
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