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Ingredients in Dr. Earth Final Stop Yard & Garden Insect killer is effective on fleas. Made of 100% organic essential oils safe for cats?


Community Member
Jun 24, 2021

I am about to purchase Ingredients in Dr. Earth Final Stop Yard & Garden Insect killer is effective on fleas. Made of 100% organic essential oils. But would like to know if the essential oils are okay for cats? The company said yes but I thought I read somewhere cinnamon is not okay? Here is the list
In the attached photo.

Also, sometimes I diffuse essential oils in my home, such as thyme, Sage, Bergamont, and rosemary. Are any of these toxic kitties? Our essential oils toxic only when you put them on cats topically or can they also be toxic when they inhale them in the air?

Thank you!

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve



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