Hi all, we have a 14.5 Shiba Inu in general good health. She has good energy but her coordination is diminished, and it seems that her object permanence is no longer there. She was running and hit her head on a table leg and started seizing for the first time in her life. It lasted less than a minute and she whined but walked it off. Her second seizure happened after she shook and lost balance and hit her head on the wall. We have since cushioned all potential areas of risk.
Both times the vet she saw did not believe it could have been caused by impact and offered no solutions but seizure medication which we did not do. She hasn’t had another seizure in months since these incidents.
Are there any chiropractors nearby the western CT area you may suggest and/or any other recommendations in general?
We saw a “holistic” vet in South Salem, NY who actually recommended frontline, advantix, Sorresto collars, Revolution, and standard vx schedules so I’m not too keen on their advice. Thank you
Both times the vet she saw did not believe it could have been caused by impact and offered no solutions but seizure medication which we did not do. She hasn’t had another seizure in months since these incidents.
Are there any chiropractors nearby the western CT area you may suggest and/or any other recommendations in general?
We saw a “holistic” vet in South Salem, NY who actually recommended frontline, advantix, Sorresto collars, Revolution, and standard vx schedules so I’m not too keen on their advice. Thank you
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