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Herbal support for Lyme positive dogs

dr_ judy herman

VIP Member
Jun 9, 2018
In Maine like the rest of New England we have a lot of positive dogs with Lyme. Most of these dogs are not showing any outward symptoms. Over the last year, I have been approaching my Lyme positive patients differently than I have in the past.

I have tried different herbal formulas recommended by clients and herbalist with unimpressive results. I say this from the point of view that the dogs, symptomatic or not, where tested positive for Lyme and confirmed with a test from Cornell University, called a Lyme Multiplex, before the herbal treatment started and followed up three to four months later with another multiplex test.

In the past I saw little to no change in the test results.

Over the last year with the help of my technician, we have researched the concern of Lyme biofilm and rounds that are resistant to conventional antibiotic treatment. Using the C6 or the Multiplex both labs say there should be a 40-50% decrease in the numbers on the test to be considered successful. ( C6 at the 6 month retest, and Mutiplex at the 8 to 12 week retest.).

Here is what I am seeing with our protocol.

We are using herbal formulas from Amber Tech, Vibactra Plus and Peritan FP. My technician found that some of the herbs in these formulas have been suggested for people to address the biofilm and rounds.

Any dog that tests Lyme positive in my practice goes through a thorough exam, history, and initial blood work. The blood work consists of a complete blood count, chemistry profile, and Lyme multiplex.

If any symptoms (BEAM) then I do a homeopathic workup and a remedy is prescribed with the herbal formulas. If the guardian is worried and wants antibiotics in a symptomatic pup, I will do so with the formulas. My asymptomatic patients will be put on the formulas. All patients will be on the formulas for 3 months.

So what happened. Unlike other similar formulas I have used, I have seen over a 40% drop in the multiplex values in three months in dogs with no other treatment.

Cornell says a 40% drop in test results is consider a successful treatment. One dog who was sick and treated with doxycyline had her first multiplex test at the end of the treatment. Her values were extremely high (over 18,000). She was started on the formulas and retested 4 months later. Her values dropped 94%! My homeopathic patient, who was seen for another problem, had a drop of 50%.

These are only a few cases and are considered anecdotal. With the results so far I am encouraged.
Fantastic Dr. Judy. Thanks for sharing.

Your wonderful post will also get added to the Lyme course.
I have ordered the Vibactra Plus and the Peritan FP. Is it recommended that I give BOTH supplements? The directions indicate that Murphy (90lb) should get 15 drops 4 X per day?? seems like alot!
Yes, I do recommend following the directions on the bottles. The herbal formulas work best that way and both formulas compliment each other in getting rid of the cyst, spirochetes, and the biofilm. I have found that clients who skimp on the dosing do not have the same results as those who follow the recommended dosing. There is a loading dose in the beginning then a lower maintenance dosing schedule.
Yes, I do recommend following the directions on the bottles. The herbal formulas work best that way and both formulas compliment each other in getting rid of the cyst, spirochetes, and the biofilm. I have found that clients who skimp on the dosing do not have the same results as those who follow the recommended dosing. There is a loading dose in the beginning then a lower maintenance dosing schedule.
Thank you! Murphy has not been diagnosed or shown symptoms of any infection but I am finding a tick or 2 or 3 on him daily.
In Maine like the rest of New England we have a lot of positive dogs with Lyme. Most of these dogs are not showing any outward symptoms. Over the last year, I have been approaching my Lyme positive patients differently than I have in the past.

I have tried different herbal formulas recommended by clients and herbalist with unimpressive results. I say this from the point of view that the dogs, symptomatic or not, where tested positive for Lyme and confirmed with a test from Cornell University, called a Lyme Multiplex, before the herbal treatment started and followed up three to four months later with another multiplex test.

In the past I saw little to no change in the test results.

Over the last year with the help of my technician, we have researched the concern of Lyme biofilm and rounds that are resistant to conventional antibiotic treatment. Using the C6 or the Multiplex both labs say there should be a 40-50% decrease in the numbers on the test to be considered successful. ( C6 at the 6 month retest, and Mutiplex at the 8 to 12 week retest.).

Here is what I am seeing with our protocol.

We are using herbal formulas from Amber Tech, Vibactra Plus and Peritan FP. My technician found that some of the herbs in these formulas have been suggested for people to address the biofilm and rounds.

Any dog that tests Lyme positive in my practice goes through a thorough exam, history, and initial blood work. The blood work consists of a complete blood count, chemistry profile, and Lyme multiplex.

If any symptoms (BEAM) then I do a homeopathic workup and a remedy is prescribed with the herbal formulas. If the guardian is worried and wants antibiotics in a symptomatic pup, I will do so with the formulas. My asymptomatic patients will be put on the formulas. All patients will be on the formulas for 3 months.

So what happened. Unlike other similar formulas I have used, I have seen over a 40% drop in the multiplex values in three months in dogs with no other treatment.

Cornell says a 40% drop in test results is consider a successful treatment. One dog who was sick and treated with doxycyline had her first multiplex test at the end of the treatment. Her values were extremely high (over 18,000). She was started on the formulas and retested 4 months later. Her values dropped 94%! My homeopathic patient, who was seen for another problem, had a drop of 50%.

These are only a few cases and are considered anecdotal. With the results so far I am encouraged.
hi there...should we order all three to treat? Ambertech, vibactra and peritan? thank you!
Ambertech (now called Amber NaturalZ,) is the company and yes the other two supplements work together.
Yes! I just posted it in your other thread (before I saw this one):

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